We love to share the stories when MEOW hits the news waves.
Limelight Pet Project – Shining a Light on Harder to Place Animals
MEOW is thrilled to frequently be offered the opportunity to shine a light on one of our harder to adopt, but very special kitties. The Limelight Pet Project partners with Q13 to spread the word about these amazing animals. For more information, go to https://www.thelimelightpetproject.com/
Vinny – Adopted!
Mending His Body, Healing His Heart
In the freezing rain of January, a cat in an apartment parking lot had been observed on camera acting erratically, shaking his head, running back and forth. When a concerned gentleman zoomed in on the fuzzy footage, it appeared that one of the cat’s ears was injured. We provided a trap and instructed him to call as soon as he got the cat, knowing medical attention would probably be needed. Read more…
Woman pays adoption fees hoping to find new homes for these cats by Christmas

MEOW & Bonne VeVea are featured in rover.com’s blog “How Animal Rescue Volunteers Create Happy Endings”

Inspirational stories shared by animal welfare volunteers about their passion and their motivation.
Washington State’s Veterinary Association Announces Annual Award Winners
Adopt Me! Shy Watson Needs a Wingman
Animal Planet veterinarian visits MEOW Cat Rescue in Kirkland
Kittens Overwhelm Two Shelters
Pet Grocery Searching for Homes for Orphaned Cats