Indoors – Keeping Cats Safe & Happy

For a cat, the great outdoors is anything but great. Whether she lives in the city, in the suburbs, or in the country, an outdoor cat faces a multitude of risks. She is exposed to contagious diseases, most of which are fatal. Traffic takes a huge toll on a free-roaming cat, and while many people believe their cat is street-wise, no cat looks both ways when being chased by another animal. Further dangers include poisons, leg hold traps, pet theft, and inhumane treatment by cruel people.

An outdoor cat may cause problems too. She digs and defecates in neighbors’ yards, and as a predator, she injures and kills a significant number of wild birds. A cat cannot be trained to ignore her natural hunting instincts. The only sure way to safeguard wildlife is to keep your cat inside.

Benefits of Life Indoors

The average life span of an outdoor cat is 2 to 3 years, whereas an indoor-only cat often lives 15 to 20 years. An indoor cat is usually healthier, too, which saves on veterinary bills for treatment of contagious diseases, parasites, and abscesses from fights with other animals. While it is true that a cat enjoys sunshine, fresh air, and exercise, she does not need to go outside to be satisfied. Some creative planning on the part of their human guardians can help an indoor cat live fully.

Obviously, it is best to keep a cat indoors from the beginning, especially if you are starting with a kitten or young adult. A cat that grows up inside usually shows no inclination to leave the safety of home. A cat who is accustomed to going out can make life uncomfortable for the entire household by clawing at windows, yowling, and trying to bolt through open doors. But, while the transition may take some time and patience, even the most confirmed outdoor cat can eventually be convinced of indoor comforts.

Enriching Indoor Environments

If your cat has ever lived outdoors, you can help her transition to the great indoors by transforming your living quarters into a veritable cat paradise. The more you give your cat to do, the happier she will be inside.

  • Double the space; double the cat’s pleasure. If your floor space is limited, you can expand upward with kitty condos or climbing trees. The taller models, especially those with multiple perches, make the most of vertical space and appeal to a cat’s natural interest in heights.
  • A cat loves to sun herself and enjoys looking outdoors. Install perches or shelves to provide your cat with more windows of opportunity.
  • Bird feeders placed near windows attract a variety of wildlife and engage the interest of an indoor cat. If there are free-roaming felines who visit your yard, do not feed birds on or near the ground. Use only hanging feeders placed to give wildlife a clear view of their surroundings.
  • When the weather allows, leave windows open so your cat can get fresh air. Make sure that each window is securely screened so that the cat cannot fall or jump.
  • Your cat might enjoy chewing on grass and other plants. Garden centers and pet stores sell wheat or oat grass or seed to be planted in small pots for an indoor cat. Make sure the seed has not been treated with chemicals, and remove all potentially toxic plants from your cat’s environment.

Redirecting Claw Action

Scratching is a natural and important behavior for your cat that helps her stay limber and healthy. But, when a cat turn their claws on furniture and carpets, this behavior is annoying and destructive.

Although it may seem to be the only permanent solution, declawing cats is neither humane nor effective.  The surgery involves cutting off the entire first joint of the toe in a painful amputation that has long-lasting physical and emotional effects on a cat.  A declawed cat can develop debilitating arthirits as she ages.  Having lost her first line of defense, she is easily stressed and often becomes a biter.  She may stop using her litter box due to the pain she feels in her paws while trying to cover her waste.

A much better alternative is to give your cat a scratching surface that is agreeable to both of you.  A good scratching post should be sturdy, with a wide base and at least three feet tall to allow the cat a full stretch.  If you have the space, your cat will appreciate having more than one post to use.  Look for post covered with the backside of carpet, thick burlap, or a durable hemp-like material called sisal.  Avoid ones with carpet or upholstery fabric, exactly the same surfaces you do not want your cat to claw.

Make the post irresistible by sprinkling dried catnip on it, and by tying on a favorite toy for the cat to bat.  Commend your cat when she claws the right place, and if she scratches something inappropriate, distract her with a loud noise.

You should trim your cat’s claws regularly. This procedure is easy when done correctly and does not hurt her. 

Be careful not to give your cat double messages about using her claws in play.  Never encourage a cat, especially a young one, to play rough with hands or feet.  Instead offer her a toy to bat and claw.

Cats in Toyland

The best way to get your cat moving is through interactive play. By encouraging her to pounce, leap, and run laps around the house, you can help your feline couch potato become an indoor athlete. Often the best toys are the simplest. Don’t overlook the most available toys around the house – most cats love to explore paper bags, boxes and baskets. She will often find her own sources of amusement; so don’t be surprised if your cat ignores an expensive toy in favor of plastic milk jug rings, crumpled paper, or an old sock. The key is variety. Rotate favorites in and out of her toy box, and try hiding toys around the house for her to find in her own time.

Tips for a Long and Happy Life

  • MEOW cats are expected to be indoor only. If you have a resident cat that has been going outdoors, take a gradual approach to bringing an outside cat into the house. Bring her in for increasingly longer visits. You might time this transitional period as the weather gets colder. Most cats prefer warm, dry places, and by the end of the winter, yours could be converted to life indoors.
  • If you want your cat to have safe, limited access to the outdoors, consider building an outside enclosure or run. These can be accessible from a window or pet door and are most entertaining to cats when furnished with tree limbs, perching platforms, boxes and toys.
  • If your cat remains determined to get outside, you may have to “just say no” to going outdoors. Suzanne Hetts, behavior consultant for the Denver Dumb Friends League, emphasizes, “For particularly persistent cats, it’s better to go cold-turkey than to occasionally let the cat outside. Letting the cat out when it wants reinforces the pestering behavior.”
  • Remind family members, housemates, and visitors not to let the cat outside. Post signs near all doors, and if you live with children, teach them to close the door behind them. Be especially cautious with screen doors that may not latch tightly.