As of 3 pm we have raised $25,000 towards our lofty goal of $47,000 in support of our foster programs and our amazing foster families, which means we will continue to be there for them all, to give them a soft place to land for as long as they need. We still have of our 12 pm match dollars left.
Meet Lord Kensington
Lord Kensington (“Kenny”) is a sweet teenager that, during his time in the shelter, showed no interest in eating and was experiencing anxiety. He entered foster care with a large variety of foods, in the hopes that a quiet environment and an appetite stimulant would encourage him to eat.
Kenny did find a favorite food and over time showed an interest in getting pets and love from his foster family. However, when he began showing signs of single kitten syndrome (swatting and biting at humans), after a quarantine period, it was time for him to be introduced to the resident cats. They have helped Kenny to realize not everyone wants to be bitten.
His foster parents continue to work with Kenny to understand that hands are not toys. He now joins in with the other cats to make demands regarding mealtimes as he wants to be part of the gang. It is clear that Kenny would love a home with other cats. His anxiety around new people and situations is still very prevalent. To minimize his stress, he will be adopted from his foster home.
Kenny’s manners, and his understanding of what it takes to be a good family member, continue to improve. We believe he’ll soon graduate with Honorable Mention from Charm School.
Your support is truly a gift to Kenny and kitties like Kenny, ones who might not find that forever family without the patience, guidance, and time to learn provided by our foster families who recognize the value of every life and work to make forever families a reality.

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