A GiveBIG good morning to you! Thanks to our early giving donors and our early risers, we have raised $3,118 in support of our foster programs and our amazing foster families.
Although some days it still feels like winter in Seattle, the number of calls about mama cats with babies is letting us know that spring has indeed sprung. During the height of the pandemic, spay and neuter surgeries were suspended. Although clinics are once again performing those surgeries, the demand is much higher than the availability. We anticipate seeing more kittens in the next several years than we’ve seen in recent prior years.
Luckily, we have foster families who can welcome a mom cat and her babies into their homes. Although tending young is instinctual, some of these mamas are barely out of kittenhood themselves. They often need support to keep their babies fed, clean, and healthy. It can be a tiresome and messy job sometimes. But these little precious ones have a way of squirming their way into their fosters’ hearts, making the day when they are ready for their forever home, bittersweet.
Meet Nom Nom and her babies (Oreo, Nutella, Noodles, and Potsticker).
Just two weeks ago this mama cat (Nom Nom) and her babies (Oreo, Nutella, Noodles, and Potsticker) were relinquished by a woman who had 10 other cats in a two-bedroom apartment. Through the years she’d considered getting her cats altered but didn’t. Pretty quickly the numbers were too big to handle.
She reached out to us for spay/neuter vouchers, a service we provide to low-income community members, and ultimately, she decided that this mama and her babies would be much better off with us. This little family is now in one of our foster homes where they will be cared for, monitored for weight gain and any signs of illness, showered with love and attention and in about 12 weeks spayed or neutered and ready to meet their forever families.
Thank you for helping us be there for these feline families.

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