You can help us provide a soft place to land for the animals. Monetary donations help us cover the expenses of providing everyday shelter and care as well as needed veterinary care. Know that your gift truly makes a difference! Thank you for helping us help them!
Recurring Donations Help Even More
Recurring donations are an efficient and cost effective way to provide ongoing support throughout the year. Your donation is automatically charged to your credit card or removed from your debit account each period. You will receive a receipt for each donation.
Credit Card, Bank Account, PayPal, Apple Pay & Google Pay accepted.
Fee-Free Donation Options
We happily accept the small fees that companies charge to process credit or debit card transactions as it provides a convenient and efficient way to donate and accept funds. However, there are a few ways to donate which avoid fees. If you wish to make a donation where no fees are taken by the provider you may donate through
- PayPal Giving Fund or
- By check
Unfortunately, adding a tribute to a special someone or pet isn’t possible with PayPal Giving Fund. However, you may add a tribute by emailing us at Include your name, donation date, amount, and of course, your tribute.
** Please note that donations through PayPal Giving Fund are made to PayPal Giving Fund, a 501( c )(3) charity. As such, some employers may not match donations made through this method.
Donate by check
To support MEOW Cat Rescue
Please make checks payable to MEOW (or Mercer Island Eastside Orphans and Waifs) and mail to:
P.O. Box 58
Kirkland, WA 98083-0058
A tax receipt will be provided.
To support MEOW Canine Division
Please make checks payable to MEOW Canine and mail to:
MEOW Canine Division
Mercer Island Eastside Orphans and Waifs
P.O. Box 144
Mercer Island, WA 98040-0144
A tax receipt will be provided.
How Your Donation Helps
Your gift of $10
would provide
- One microchip for a cat, or
- One day of supplies for morning shelter cleaning, or
- Adoption packets for 5 cats going to their forever homes
Your gift of $25 (or about $2 per month)
would provide
- One series of core vaccines for a kitten, or
- Laundry detergent & bleach for 50 loads of laundry (1 week)
Your gift of $50 (or about $4 per month)
would provide
- One neuter surgery for a male cat, or
- One spay surgery for a female cat, or
- One case of prescription canned food for cats on special diets,or
- Kitten Milk Replacer (KMR) to feed a litter of bottle babies for their first 4 weeks
Your gift of $100 (or about $8 per month)
would provide
- Routine intake lab work for a senior cat, or
- One humane trap for Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) of feral cats and capturing lost cats, or
- One course of antibiotics for a litter of sick kittens, or
- One case of lactated ringers fluid for hydration support
Your gift of $500 (or about $41 per month)
would provide
- Intake and daily care for two cats for 6 months (average stay), or
- Diagnostic lab work for 9 new shelter residents, or
- High quality kibble to feed the shelter population for one month
Your gift of $1000 (or about $83 per month)
would provide
- Emergency supportive care for a sick or injured cat, or
- Dental cleaning with extractions for a cat, or
- One month of canned food for the entire shelter population, or
- Clean litter boxes daily for the entire shelter population for 5 weeks
Donate from our Wishlists
Donations of cat food and shelter supplies help us stretch our dollars.
They Need Us, We Need You
MEOW Cat Rescue relies on our amazing community members who donate, volunteer, foster, adopt, and share their MEOW experience with friends and family. We would love to have you join us in our mission.
Our Mission
With respect and compassion for all animal life, MEOW promotes lifelong relationships between people and companion animals, providing shelter and care for each precious life until adopted into a forever home.
About Us
MEOW is a small, nonprofit, no-holds-barred no-kill shelter located in the Houghton neighborhood of Kirkland, WA. Founded in 1997, we remain primarily a volunteer-powered organization. We rescue and place between 800 and 1000 cats and kittens, and several dogs and puppies each year.
Once an animal becomes part of our family, we are committed to that animal for its lifetime. Should an adopter be unable to care for their pet, we will welcome that animal back. We do not shy away from the sick, or the elderly. Yes, the cost of care may be higher and the road to a forever home tougher, but our tag line clearly shows us the way, “all nine lives are precious”. With your help, we can provide a soft place to land for those who need us most.

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