It was just over a year ago that I adopted Toby and Marley (AKA Peanut and Chaps) from MEOW and I thought you’d like to know how they’re doing. They both have blossomed into sweet, playful, loving cats who provide an endless source of entertainment and joy. When I first got Marley home, his fur was brittle and falling out. He had a few bald patches where he had scratched himself raw, and he was constantly scratching himself all over. At first I thought he might have fleas but it turned out to be a food allergy, and after a few months on TLC and transition to a high-quality grain-free food, the scratching stopped, he filled out, and his coat is now long, luxurious, shiny, and the most beautiful color orange I’ve ever seem. His his favorite toy is a round ball that has shiny bits all over: he’ll entertain himself with that for hours. Like most orange cats, he’s rambunctious and mischevious. He loves to ambush his buddy Toby when Toby’s coming out of the litter box room. Marley loves being cuddled and if I stop before he’s had enough, he’ll chase after me for more.
Toby is such a special little cat. He is eternally happy and completely besotted with my 13-year-old Ragdoll cat, Olivia. He follows her everywhere and though she sometimes let’s him know she prefers to be left alone, I frequently find them napping together on a perch in the front window. He is very curious and into everything, and a total show-off. He stands on his head, hangs upside down from a tall piece of cat furniture I have in the den, and often just lays down on the floor and plays with his hind feet. He will bring me his little fuzzy toy mouse, drop it at my feet, stare at me until I throw it, then bring it back to do it again. This can go on for 10 or 15 minutes. By far, though, his favorite toy is “Da Bird” feather on a string. He makes leaping catchs in mid-air and will drag that thing all over the house. He rarely ever meows but he purrs most all the time. He doesn’t like to he held but he always, always wants to be nearby and will come to me to check in and to get pets every few minutes.
Toby and Marley chase each other round the house several times a day, and they love playing together on the cat tree. Toby has been able to get Olivia to play chase every now and again but mostly she’s just content to watch the youngsters burn off all that energy. Marley and Olivia haven’t really taken to each other, though the other day I caught him giving her an ear wash so there’s still hope.
I’m so very glad that you rescued both these wonderful boys and that I happened to be lucky enough to wander in that day last February to find them both waiting for a good home. They both have blossomed into wonderful cats and I hope it pleases you to know that they have a good life and are truly loved.