Hi MEOW!I just wanted to reach out again to give an update on Sybil and Salem (Sweetie and Olive). When I first reached out Salem was very new and still getting the hang of things in her new space. Now they are the absolute best of buddies! I wanted to reach out specifically because this morning I was looking for them and I found this. Salem can’t jump on the bed so underneath is her “kitty kingdom” with blankets and at least five beds but I guess that igloo was the best one and they could not decide who got to lay in it first! I just wanted to say thank you again. You all do great work and really do make happy endings possible! Bre, Sybil and Salem
Posted on 5/5/19 by Happy Endings Administrator

I adopted Sybil from your awesome rescue about seven months ago. I have always had a thing for special needs animals and wanted to adopt one when I had the chance. When I stumbled across her picture I clicked, read her story and fell in love. I study neurology and a kitty with CH seemed like the perfect fit. She became my best buddy, who loved her laser toy, the fire place, and sleeping in the big cozy bed. I began to think that she was in need of a little buddy to keep her company when I was in class. So, I started looking and found out that there was another kitty girl with CH. I also heard that the kitty and Sybil knew each other from a previous situation. I had to get her! So now I have Sybil and Salem! When they reunited they bumped noses and carried on their way. They did not skip a beat. Sybil has been showing Salem the ropes and all the cozy places to lay and how to sit in front of the fireplace to get nice and warm. I have two bed buddies, two study buddies, and really just the absolute best cats. I could not have asked for anything more.
Thank you MEOW for helping us find each other!
Bre, Sybil, and Salem