I would just like to share how Sheldon is doing nowadays!
When I walked in to MEOW about two years ago with a friend of mine, the only thing I had in mind was that I wanted an adult cat. I live alone and was fairly lonely at the time, and came to the conclusion that a cat was exactly what I needed. I expected to be at MEOW for a good while getting to know a few cats. We socialized with some of the cats that were in a big room together for a little bit before being put in a room where we could socialize with a cat one-on one. Consider me surprised when I fell absolutely in love with the first cat that was brought to me!Sheldon has calmed down a smidge since I first adopted him, but he is definitely still the same cat he was when I met him! He still runs around, will happily play after a bit of coaxing, and loves a good lap to nap in for as long as you’ll let him (he’s in my lap as I write this!). He’s a talkative little guy, announcing his presence with a few meows in every room he walks in to, much to the amusement of whatever guests I may have over. He’s ready and willing to sidle up to any new people, after giving them a good stare down from across the room, of course. Sheldon has been my constant companion over the past two years, and I look forward to our future together in the years to come. <3