MEOW Cat Rescue will accept your weaned kittens and will give you a voucher to have your mama and daddy cats spayed or neutered at our expense through our Toms & Moms program. After they are altered, your adult cats will be returned to you. No charge.
MEOW will provide loving care for the kittens and when completely ready, we will allow them to be adopted into approved forever homes.
Our adoption standards are high. We take our responsibility to the animals very seriously.
- The kittens will be vaccinated, tested for FIV/FeLV, and treated for fleas, worms and earmites, as needed.
- MEOW will address any medical issues and provide the highest quality veterinary care.
- AND each kitten will be microchipped prior to adoption so that if they ever become separated from their human family, they may be reunited.
- MEOW will also spay or neuter the kittens prior to adoption, so they will never add to the cat and kitten overpopulation problem in local shelters.
- MEOW Cat Rescue is a no-kill organization. Your kittens are safe.
Often people adopting or purchasing kittens from private parties have good intentions to spay/neuter a kitten when it is older, but then forget, or aren’t able to afford it, or they wait too long, not realizing that kittens can go into heat as young as four months old. Please don’t allow this to happen to your precious kittens.
For more information, email us at info@meowcatrescue.org or call 425-822-MEOW.