Hi Everybody!

Gosh I feel like I could write an essay right now! We are so very happy to be calling Ramona a part of our family. The first day she was here she spent 3 hours hiding in her carrier. I was trying to give her space so I stayed out of her room. It wasn’t until my husband, sister and I went in, that she perked up. She was SO excited to see people! She wanted all the love and attention. I have never met a cat with so much trust in humans!!! She is VERY social. She is getting along just fine with our older cat Callie. We recently introduced her to our younger one Tierney (we were going to wait but Ramona said she was done living in the bathroom…). She and Tierney are working out a pecking order but it’s going much better than I could have hoped for. I think with a little work they may become playmates. Ramona loves that my husband works from home. She sits on his lap or by his computer monitor for HOURS. She is also enjoying the windows. She gets very excited when she sees a bug or falling leaf.
She loves the toys you guys sent us with! Watching her play with the mouse is hysterical! She continues to do great with her meds. I have an appointment for her next, next week to establish care.
Thank you so much for giving her a second chance.
-Emily, Michael, Callie and Tierney