We just wanted to brag about how great our new kittens are. We are so glad we got them together, because Neko (black and white) follows Sherman’s lead everywhere. When we first got them, Neko was very shy and we were afraid it would be a long time before she wanted to be social. But she followed Sherman out from their hiding place on their first day home, and after only 2.5 weeks, she enjoys being petted (when she’s not in play mode). Neko and Sherman are great friends and love to play and wrestle together.
They are also trying really hard to become friends with our older cats, and I think it’s working! Kazi (10 years old) plays more now that they’re around, loves chasing the bird toy and the laser with them, and even batted playfully with Neko the other day. We’re hoping the kittens might help her lose some weight.

They’re like personal trainers. Gerald (15 years old) doesn’t play with them too much, but doesn’t mind hanging out with them in the sun. When she’s feeling energetic, she’ll run around with the rest of them. I can’t wait to see what happens as they start getting along better and better! Sherman is also very social when we have people over–great entertainment for everyone.
Thanks so much for all your great work for the kitties! – Terry and John