Hello MEOW Folks!

Here’s an update on the two cats we adopted from you this past January.
We adopted Muu and Sora (now we call her Zora), a bonded pair, back on Jan 16th. They’ve been wonderful cats, and we think they’ve been very happy with us. Your personality assessments were definitely spot-on – Muu is indeed a “leader of the band” in that she is very adventurous and assertive; she loves to explore and get in to everything, but is also very affectionate and wants a lot of attention from us (she also loves to groom both us and her sis, Zora). Zora is a very sweet “party animal,” – she loves to play with her toy mice and puts them (purposely) under the stove and in her water dish. She is a bit less dominant than Muu, but also very affectionate and talkative. They get along very well together, playing and sometimes even sleeping together. We love them so much, and our home feels so much happier and fuller since we brought them here.
Thank you so much for bringing us together, and for providing such a positive experience! We’ve included a photo of them below.
Best Regards,
Mike and Katherine