
I realized that we never sent you an update on our beautiful boys. Johnny has his arm over Magnus – this is typical.
What an ordeal! We picked Magnus up from MEOW on 8/29/19, thinking we could introduce him to Johnny in the next couple of weeks. Magnus spent his time upstairs in his own two bedroom, one bath suite. What a lover he was from the beginning – always so happy to see you – he likes to “groom” you as if you are one of his own! He was a little timid at first, but quickly came out of his shell. Boy, can that cat play fetch! I threw the crinkly ball 24 times and he retrieved it each time (I am the one that got tired). Same with the little toy screws… so fun! I slept upstairs every night with him until he could be part of the “house” too, so he and I bonded. I didn’t sleep, but we bonded. He is a little uncoordinated and awkward still, but in a loveable way.
Magnus ended up being upstairs until 10/29/19 – a full two months after we brought him home because Johnny’s leg wasn’t healing. We had to put up two baby gates to totally block off the upstairs, yet, Johnny with his broken leg would still try to climb the gate and see who was up there. So he had to be sequestered in the laundry room for the last month. Tim & I spent time alone with each cat each day, and towards the end of the second month we would bring Magnus downstairs to get the lay of the land, feeding the cats on each side of the door. It always went well.
Johnny’s leg finally got the all clear on 10/29/19 and we were supposed to introduce them slowly for his leg’s sake. They were already quite comfortable with each other’s smell (after two months changing towels back & forth). Slowly didn’t happen! It was all-for-one and one-for-all from the moment we let Johnny out of the carrier after the final check-up. He bounded up the stairs to meet his friend and they have been inseparable ever since. They rough house and take turns being dominate, groom and clean each other, sleep together on the condo. Magnus sings quite loudly and at great length for his dinner and has Johnny chime in now. Johnny’s leg is quite strong from all the running they do – it sounds like a herd of elephants sometimes. Johnny is more mellow and less destructive since his buddy showed up. We could not have asked for a better match – beyond anything we imagined.
Our home is full of contentment and laughter. The ‘boys’ really are our children. After dinner all four of us watch TV for a bit – Johnny by Tim, Magnus by me and then one will move to be with the other.
Thank you so much for helping our family grow and be ‘rich’. Such a joy…
Roxanne & Tim
Proud and Happy Parents