I just wanted to give you a little update on the two kittens I adopted from Meow Rescue on August 24, 2012, 5 days shy of their 4 month birthday. Hunter and Greyson are doing great. Hunter decided he didn’t want to be an all black cat, so he has developed faint gray hair on the back of his hind legs, a dot on his chest and his tummy. He is the lovey one of the two and will come and lay on you, purring and fall sound asleep, whether you want him to be on your chest or stomach or not. Greyson is still gray with white socks and they are both still just so adorable. Greyson is a little more stand off-ish and not so lovey, but can purr up a storm and snuggle when it’s his idea. They wrestle around together like 2 brothers would and Hunter is the big brother and sometimes isn’t always kind to his little brother. Greyson can hold his own though. They will be celebrating their 6 month birthday tomorrow and Hunter already weighs about 9 lbs. Greyson is about 6 lbs. He will always be smaller as Hunter has some very large paws to grow into. At times , they do get into their bed together, one on top of the other even though it is way too small for them now. They are very happy and contented kitties and I love them dearly. I want to thank MEOW Cat Rescue for being there when I needed the companionship at home and I feel so bad every morning when I leave for work. But they are right there at the front door when they hear my key in the lock. They have been such a joy.