Hi – it is ME, Grace Penn – yet again…….
I wanted to let you guys know that Mum moved me to Bellingham, and I have been here (and there) for one year now. Actually I love it (PLEASE DO NOT TELL MUM). The really interesting part is that – about every two – three weeks, I get put into my carrier and off I go, back to Kirkland (that is where Uncle Mike lives). The rest of the time, he comes to ME, in Bellingham. Mum actually purchased my own Christirdiemas tree this year. “WE” are putting only birdies on that tree. As usual MY presents will be under the tree that I inspired, in my living room (nothing but cat ornaments on the tree) – as it should be – right???!!!
I LOVE Christmas and I love to lay under my trees and look at the lights. Thank you SO much MEOW for rescuing me from that awful crack house. I just love my new life AND most importantly, I am SO LOVED!!!
FYI, my birthday is going to be January 5, 2012. I will be EIGHT! I sure do not look it!
Love you MEOW!!
Grace Penn
I hope that you remember me. It is ME – Grace Penn aka Miss April 2007. I wanted to update you on me and my family.
When my Mum adopted me, January 7. 2005, I continued to live in Kirkland and I was VERY happy and VERY spoiled (I insisted upon this), there. However, Mum built me a new home in Bellingham, WA. She moved me up in October of this year. I could have done without the car ride, although I cannot really remember it, due to a shot of Rescue Remedy. I was kinda mad about all this, but it took me about one hour and I started exploring the new place. It was not all bad. Mum had two window seats built especially for me (she should have built them for all the windows. I can look out and there are some mighty strange critters walking in MY yard… deer, racoon … I see neighbour dogs on the street … and, of course, birds – yum. Geez, it is like watching my kitty video. I even have two fireplaces – I cannot get enough of them.
I still love to watch TV ( football, Dancing With The Stars etc.). I still sing and I am feeling really good. My vet – Dr. Marie from Brookfield says I could loose a few, but who couldn’t??! Dr. Marie takes very good care of me and cleans my teeth every year. Can you believe that I have not had any out for the past three years!! Mum has tried to clean them, however, she was not very successful, so she puts a dental rinse in my water every day. Uncle Mike visits me every other weekend and on those other weekends, I go back to see him in Kirkland … that car thing again …
I just wanted to say “HI” to all of you, especially Bonne and Denise and thank you SO much for what you did for me!! I am so grateful, even though I did not act so, at the time. Hey, maybe Mum and I will drop in to see you when we are in Kirkland sometime.
Grace Penn