Donations given directly to our special funds provide financial support to MEOW’s specific critical programs.
MEOW’s Mercy Fund

Many years ago, before MEOW became a registered non-profit animal rescue charity, we coined a phrase and adopted a motto to underscore our beliefs: “…all nine lives are precious.” Since its creation, this motto has been a visible element of our logo and ever present in our daily work.
Its message is woven into our Mission Statement and engraved on the hearts of our volunteers and supporters. The words are as quiet and delicate as a kitten’s purr yet the commitment implied could not be stronger. All nine lives are precious. MEOW remains committed to our no-nonsense, no holds barred, no-kill policy.
We continue to ask that people return MEOW cats to us if they are no longer able to care for them. We’ve had cats returned to us for countless reasons. It doesn’t really matter why. What does matter is that we still believe these cats have a right to live and a right to a loving home.
We still believe in our responsibility to provide them that opportunity. We made a promise to them, whether it was yesterday or ten years ago; once they became a part of the MEOW family, they were safe. We said it then, we meant it then, and we still believe it now. …all nine lives are precious.
MEOW does not turn away from the severely injured or ill, the special needs cats and kittens. Admittedly, the cost of caring for them is higher, but the rewards are so very great, particularly for those animals whose chances are limited elsewhere and for the people who will eventually love them for the rest of their lives.
Mercy Fund Videos
We are thrilled to be able to share with you some videos highlighting the happy ending stories of MEOW animals whose lives were saved or transformed as a result of the generous donations to our Mercy Fund over the past few years. Your gift and support truly does Make a Difference!
We are so grateful for those who donate to our Mercy Fund which helps ensure we can continue to provide for these amazing animals. We are ever indebted to the veterinarians who advise and assist, as well as perform miracles to save the lives of animals which others have cast aside.
Finally, we thank the people who adopt each and every one of our dear furry friends, especially those who choose the senior cats, or will take a chance on the cats and kittens with challenges (the ones who may be considered less than perfect in the eyes of many).
Lil’ Joey’s Fund

Donations made to Lil’ Joey’s Fund will be put in trust and be used solely for advanced veterinary care of dogs under the care of MEOW’s Canine Division.
Lil’ Joey’s Fund was started in February of 2006 in memory of a 5-year-old SharPei we called Joey. At one point we started collecting funds for Joey’s treatment when it was thought he had Addison’s Disease. When it turned out he had malignant cancer, he was put to rest. But in his memory, Lil’ Joey’s Fund lives on.
MEOW’s Public Spay/Neuter Voucher Fund
Our Public Spay/Neuter Voucher Program provides no-cost vouchers to members of our community who need help to “do the right thing”. Since the program’s inception, we have funded over 3800 alter surgeries.
MEOW’s Ninth Life Division Fund
Our Ninth Life Division supports cats who have little hope of being adopted due to advanced age or significant health issues. These cats are placed in long term foster homes where they will be cared for and cherished for as long as they have left with us.
MEOW provides any necessary medicine, veterinary care and any other supportive care necessary. The foster family provides the love and companionship that these animals so deserve and gives them the home environment that they otherwise wouldn’t get. There are currently about 16 kitties in our Ninth Life Division.
Be sure to choose the Fund in the “Use this donation for:” section of the donation form.
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