I know that maybe you hear a lot of the adoptions that didn’t work out, so I just wanted to let you know how wonderfully mine did. A year ago, I adopted a little feral girl from you. I had just put my cat of 13 years to sleep, and I needed just the perfect fit for my very bossy alpha male named B. The volunteers directed me to two females who they said would be a good fit with my cat. One was Honey Bunny, a very terrified little feral tortie who really wanted nothing to do with me. But since she was still young, I figured that I could work with her. So I bundled her up and took her home. I tried to separate the two cats and let them sniff under the bedroom door as directed by everyone. But she shot out a few hours after getting home. B hissed a bit and then they raced around all night like they were old friends.
She was shy and spooked easily at the beginning. She is now named Ding Ho (for the dry cleaners next door – I always say that my cat is the only cat with a business card). As you can see from the photos, she has quite the life – hanging with her big brother and watching to see if that dang bird will ever leave his cage. I was in contact with her wonderful foster mom at the beginning who gave me great advice about how to best handle a feral. It was great to get a little more information about her background (she was picked out of a pile of manure!). Dingy is really happy and the biggest sweetheart. I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate her – and you guys for all that you do! Thanks much! – Jen