Destiny and Patches joined our family at the end of May. They were slightly unsure of us at first, but it didn’t take long for Patches to settle in and become Queen of the house. Since they were already 8 and 10 when we met them, we decided to keep the names they have had for so many years, but now call Destiny, Desy for short. She actually seems to like the new name better!
We also call them the “purr monsters” because they are always purring and happy for affection. We are so thrilled to have two cats who share such a loving bond with one another. Watching them groom each other and snuggle together is so adorable! They are also incredibly well behaved. They actually ask before sitting on the couch with us, though we have no restrictions on furniture for them. Patches likes to groom us as well, to keep our “coats” as pretty as hers. At 10 years old, Desi still requires play time each day and both girls look forward to their daily brushing. Mostly, they’re just happy to curl up together in a box or on the bed and start purring the moment they see one of their humans.