Category: Happy Endings


I came into MEOW looking for a kitten for my girlfriend and I to raise together, but when I saw 1yo Bridget it was love at first sight. She was a bit grumpy about being around the other cats but I could tell that she had a very sweet heart. She warmed up to us within a matter of hours and within days she began sleeping next to us in bed, when she isn’t playing with her toys or talking to us. She came to us with all of her shots, spayed, and in perfect health. We just love her and we are so glad to be able to adopt such an amazing kitty. Thanks MEOW!

Dustin and Claire


We adopted our Camille…aka “Cammi” on May 2nd. She is celebrating her first Christmas with Larry, me and her two furry siblings this year. When I put up the Christmas tree, Cammi was in a state of shock. I don’t think she had ever seen a Christmas tree before. She immediately claimed it as HERS and the other kitties were not allowed to come near it…neither was I as a matter of fact. Decorating it was quite the task! However, she has calmed her jets a bit and LOVES sitting underneath it and guarding it from the other two intruders. There has not been a minute that we have not enjoyed having Cammi in our home and I’m pretty sure she loves us too.

Merry Christmas to the staff and fur babies at MEOW

Gail and Larry


Dear everyone at MEOW,

Almost 6 years ago I found my Marty at MEOW in Kirkland.  I had just lost my other cat after 8 years due to old age.  Marty was just waiting for me to come along and bring him home.  After almost 6 years, Marty has pretty much taken over the house. When I come home he greets me at the door, purring like crazy and wanting my attention immediately. I am so happy Marty and I found each other.  He sleeps with me every night and knows exactly when the alarm will go off.  Time for his breakfast.

Thank you everyone at MEOW for all you do for the animals (and people),

Renne and Marty McFly


I would just like to share with you guys how wonderfully Fredrick has adjusted to his new home! I brought him home just about a month ago and within a few hours of being here he was checking out the whole house and finding all the best perches to sit. He’s been the best companion, loves to play most of the time but is so affectionate. He has the biggest personality I’ve ever met in a cat, thank you for bringing the fluff ball into my life.

Frederick’s Person



About a year ago I adopted Roo (formerly Elliott, the fluffy orange kitty) from MEOW.  He was a scared & shy little kitten that didn’t have a very good start to life. Now, he and his “brother” are the best of friends, along with our two dogs. Roo has become very cuddly and follows us around the house wherever we go. I couldn’t have found a better match. Thanks MEOW!


Max & Chloe

Max & Chloe

We adopted Max and Chloé (originally Worf & Kira from the DS-9 litter) in December of 2014 when they were about 16 weeks old.  They are the most wonderful kitties and we love them so much!  From day one, they have been affectionate lap cats and are great stress relievers in our home!  Monsieur Max is our “love bug”.  He loves to be held and cuddle up with us on the couch or in bed.  Mademoiselle Chloé is our “sweetie pie”.  She is endlessly curious.  She’ll search behind the printer to find out where the paper is coming from or she’ll look behind the cell phone to see where the voice is coming from.  We love them, they love us and they love each other!

We want to thank MEOW Cat Rescue for everything you do for cats and a special thanks to the foster mom who shaped the early weeks of life for both of our cats.  She did a wonderful job!


The Hoffman Family

Mademoiselle Chloé is on the left and Monsieur Max on the right.



I went to MEOW on March 27, 1999, to check out a cat I’d seen on the website, and he was a nice enough cat. But then I started showing Janine, who was on duty that day, photos of Ashbury, my previous cat, who was a gray tabby Maine Coon. Janine said, “If you like Maine Coons, you’ve got to see what we have in the other room.” She brought out a 7-month-old Maine Coon named Edwin. MEOW had gotten him only a few days earlier, so he wasn’t up on the website. She handed him to me, and he started nuzzling up to me and purring at once. After about a minute, I said, “Would you like to come home with me? I think that could be arranged.”As we were about to head out, Janine said, “Edwin, there’s your new daddy!” I renamed him Sasha. A Russian emigre friend had confirmed for me that Sasha could be a male name. 

Sasha grew up to be a beauty, 15 lb at his peak, and very loving. He lit up my life for almost 17 years. He crossed the Rainbow Bridge peacefully at home, with some help from my veterinarian, on December 29, 2015.



Beautiful Bailie came to live with me 2-11-2015. She joins her housematecat Stormy, also a female, and while Stormy would rather have the house to herself they’re working it out and getting better.  Bailie loves cats and just wants to be friends. She is absolutely the Personal Assistant MEOW called her. She helps me in a hundred ways every day! Bailie is loving, funny, curious, and so friendly that everyone wants to take her home with them!
Thank you MEOW for the gift of my Bailie girl.



When I first met Meu on October 4th, 2015, she was a frightened kitten hiding in a corner of the meeting room with her sister. I could see that she didn’t want to be afraid, and that she was interested in the toys we were playing with, and eventually she came out of her shell a bit. We were told that she was found under a porch with her sister, bedraggled and afraid. We decided to adopt her because we believed that we could help her out of her shell.

On our drive home she was absolutely terrified. When we got home she instantly hid behind the toilet. We plugged in a pheromone to help calm her down, and eventually she did and began to open up. We quickly found out that she is a very playful and loving little thing. She will grab your hand and lick it until she has decided that she is done, and you will not take your hand away from her until then for fear of displeasing her. She is also very talkative, and will have conversations with you. Which is how she came by her name. We were having trouble figuring out a name for her, so I turned to her and asked her what her name was, to which she chirped out a response, and my husband and I looked at each other thoughtfully.

We have had her for nearly a month now, and already she is friends with our dog, and our other two cats. She still has a bit of opening up to do with strangers, but we believe that she will be able to make good progress at that too.


We brought home Roxy (originally Rosie) on October 10, 2014, when she was exactly six months old. She was very shy and skittish, and spent nearly all of her first week at home cowering behind the toilet! However, we persisted with gentle words and slow movements, gave her plenty of secret spots where she could safely hide and watch her new family, tossed her the occasional treat to catch and devour, and used feline pheromone spray around the house to help her relax. Eventually she stopped reacting to every new sound with “What’s that? Will it kill me?” and began to realize this was her home, and these were her people. She especially bonded with our niece, who is now away at college.

Roxy has gone from being almost silent to quite vocal. She likes the sound of her own voice and will sometimes sit in a corner with her head tilted up, meowing at the wall and enjoying the acoustics. She loves running wildly up and down the long hallway of our home when she’s excited. She still runs away when there’s a knock at the door, but two minutes later she will emerge to sniff at visitors. Roxy had her own cat bed, but eventually decided people beds were a lot more comfortable. She quite often burrows under a blanket for added warmth and security, and wakes us up in the morning by walking on her people and telling us she needs food now. She is a connoisseur of freshly-catnipped stuffed mouse toys and a chaser of the Mysterious Red Dot. And she likes to steal the computer chair for naps.

Roxy was recently lost outside for a few days, but after several sleepless nights – both for her and us, we suspect – we successfully brought her home with a humane trap we borrowed from MEOW. Thank you so much for your help in getting our sweet kitty back!

Curtis and Suzanne