Category: Happy Endings


I’ve been meaning to send in a “happy ending” for my cat Blake for forever!

I adopted Blake nearly 4 years ago now in January 2014, and I’m so glad I took the plunge and brought him home. His personality has come out more and more over the years, and he is just the sweetest, cuddliest, most fun cat I’ve ever known. He loves climbing into my lap in the mornings while I drink coffee and loves just hanging out with us when we’re home. He also loves sitting on the windowsill and watching the world go by, and is always there to great us when we get home with a friendly meow and lots of purrs and head nuzzles.

I’m so glad I got a chance to meet Blake and MEOW and bring him to his forever home–life wouldn’t be the same without him.


I wanted to share an update on a kitten I had adopted from your cat rescue earlier this year.  I had adopted her about 3 weeks after I had to put my older cat of 12 years down as he had cancer and was very sick…I had looked at a few shelters but none had kittens to adopt. I was able to find in your rescue place a cage with 2 kittens who I found out were brother and sister and I fell in love with the female cat who’s name was Cassiopeia. After discussion of the adoption process I was able to adopt her and bring her home. She has been such a blessing to me and is such a big part of my life. She is so affectionate and loving and always greets me when I get home and with lots of cuddles when I am relaxing.  She was a year old in October and is happy and healthy and has grown so much. Thanks again and keep up the work of helping other cats and kittens find their forever home.

Michelle M
Arlington WA


It has been just over a week since we adopted our sweet little tux girl, Daisy (formerly Polly). Daisy is totally different from any cat we’ve ever had. She’s super social, adventurous and curious. When we took her home the first day, it was as if she had already been living there. After two days separated from our current cat, Daisy made it very clear that her super social and strong personality didn’t like being confined to the bathroom and that she really wanted to meet her new companion, Wasabi. It was important for us to adopt a female kitten that was very playful to help bring our current cat out of his shell. After about a week of living together, they are best friends and have no problems eating next to each other, sharing their multiple cat trees and playing together all night long. She has already helped Wasabi step out of his comfort zone and be more confident and curious. The highlight of my week with Daisy, was waking up to her licking my eyelid while laying on top of my head. She’s a strange one.

Thank you MEOW for helping us find Daisy! We can’t imagine life without her.
-Alexis, Vassil & Wasabi


Hi – I just wanted to let you know how Emme (Nightingale) is doing.  I adopted her a little more than six months ago.  She is happy and relaxed. She is close with Freya our other cat and they are like sisters now. They play and curl up and sleep next to each other.  She is doing great in her forever home….
Thank you,


Hi, we’d love to share our happy ending with everyone at MEOW!

We adopted Potato the day after Thanksgiving (2016). We were told he is extremely shy, semi-feral and came from a hoarding situation. The wonderful volunteers at MEOW told us we may never be able to pick him up or sleep with him. Hopeful, we brought him home anyway to meet his older sister (Puddy, 17 years old, who is the daughter of a MEOW cat). They quickly became best friends and on the first night, Potato slept with us! He loves to sit on top of Puddy and lick her as well as get cuddled by his mommy and daddy. Both kitties also love taking walks around the neighborhood on their harnesses. We could not be more happy with Potato. He is the love of our life, and MEOW could not have been more helpful. Thank you so much, MEOW.

-Celia and Ben


Milo came into our lives November 2015. It seems like he has always been in our home. Such a happy, contented cat who only asks for playtime with his Wild Wiggly!  Love this big fur ball. Thank you, MEOW!

Toesies & Tess

Dear MEOW, 

Toesies and Tess are doing wonderfully at their new home. Although Toesies was initially shy, he’s been coming out to play more and more. Tess is super affectionate and very curious, exploring every inch of her new home. They are so full of spunk and personality and we are so glad we made them a part of our family. Can’t wait to see them grow some more and develop their personalities even more. 

Sister Sophia

We adopted Sister Sophia in September. Around day 3 or 4 she finally came out from behind the couch, and she’s been staking her claim to our home ever since. At this point we can’t sit down to watch TV or use the computer without her plopping into our lap. She has been adorable. Thank you so much MEOW!

-Brian, Kay, and Kai


I would just like to share how Sheldon is doing nowadays!

When I walked in to MEOW about two years ago with a friend of mine, the only thing I had in mind was that I wanted an adult cat. I live alone and was fairly lonely at the time, and came to the conclusion that a cat was exactly what I needed. I expected to be at MEOW for a good while getting to know a few cats. We socialized with some of the cats that were in a big room together for a little bit before being put in a room where we could socialize with a cat one-on one. Consider me surprised when I fell absolutely in love with the first cat that was brought to me!Sheldon has calmed down a smidge since I first adopted him, but he is definitely still the same cat he was when I met him! He still runs around, will happily play after a bit of coaxing, and loves a good lap to nap in for as long as you’ll let him (he’s in my lap as I write this!). He’s a talkative little guy, announcing his presence with a few meows in every room he walks in to, much to the amusement of whatever guests I may have over. He’s ready and willing to sidle up to any new people, after giving them a good stare down from across the room, of course. Sheldon has been my constant companion over the past two years, and I look forward to our future together in the years to come. <3

Cookie & Maxine


We adopted a bonded pair of sibs, Cookie & Maxine in the Fall of 2015 after a loss of our cat Rascal who was hit by a car on in the early hours of the morning.  They are the epitome of “cool cats”.  Super sweet with two distinct personalities. So glad they found us.

Thanks and keep up the great work!