Hello MEOW friends! I wanted to send you an update on Garfield, the transfer from Hawaii I adopted a few months ago.
Garfield is now known as Hamish, or more often Hammy Sammy or just plain Hammy. Our first couple of months together had some bumps along the way, and it took a bit of time to figure out how to adjust the household routine to make him feel at home. But I think we’ve gotten it figured out, as evidenced by the fact that, after a long time of not purring, he’s now giving me purrs and snuggles on the regular. It does my heart so much good. He’s a complicated boy – he definitely has his moods and his boundaries – but I think he’s finally feeling safe and happy.
Hey there! It’s been awhile, so I thought I would check in with you. Ada has been adjusting really well to her new furever home. She keeps us busy trying to keep her entertained as she loves to play attack anything she can get her paws on, including her tail! Here’s a pic of her attacking the ribbon we’ve attached to her favorite perch. She has even taken to trying to play with our other kitty, which doesn’t last long as our other kitty has no claws. Not really a fair fight. Ada will also not give up on sneak attack grooming our other kitty. Peri puts up with it for at least a polite minute before erupting into a hissy fit that leaves her sneezing. When all is said and done they will share a bed or couch… keeping a good distance between them. Meal time is also a peaceful interaction. Ada knows when Peri meows it’s treat time!
We all enjoy having Ada in our lives and spoiling her with perches and pom poms. Thanks again for allowing us to adopt such a silly and wonderful kitty.
Hi MEOW!I just wanted to reach out again to give an update on Sybil and Salem (Sweetie and Olive). When I first reached out Salem was very new and still getting the hang of things in her new space. Now they are the absolute best of buddies! I wanted to reach out specifically because this morning I was looking for them and I found this. Salem can’t jump on the bed so underneath is her “kitty kingdom” with blankets and at least five beds but I guess that igloo was the best one and they could not decide who got to lay in it first! I just wanted to say thank you again. You all do great work and really do make happy endings possible! Bre, Sybil and Salem
Posted on 5/5/19 by Happy Endings Administrator
I adopted Sybil from your awesome rescue about seven months ago. I have always had a thing for special needs animals and wanted to adopt one when I had the chance. When I stumbled across her picture I clicked, read her story and fell in love. I study neurology and a kitty with CH seemed like the perfect fit. She became my best buddy, who loved her laser toy, the fire place, and sleeping in the big cozy bed. I began to think that she was in need of a little buddy to keep her company when I was in class. So, I started looking and found out that there was another kitty girl with CH. I also heard that the kitty and Sybil knew each other from a previous situation. I had to get her! So now I have Sybil and Salem! When they reunited they bumped noses and carried on their way. They did not skip a beat. Sybil has been showing Salem the ropes and all the cozy places to lay and how to sit in front of the fireplace to get nice and warm. I have two bed buddies, two study buddies, and really just the absolute best cats. I could not have asked for anything more.
Here is Tabby Too. She has settled in immediately and won our hearts over instantly. She went to the vet today for her check-up. She is a perfect fit! We love her so much!!!!! Thank you for helping us find the perfect, loving companion for Joe. We will cherish her and smother her with love! Joe and Tracy
Dear MEOW – Thank you very much for taking such good care of me until I found my forever home. I felt very safe and comfortable, and all of the people there are so kind.
A nice couple took me home a few days ago, and it seems like my new home is a perfect fit. My new mom and dad play and cuddle with me and feed me delicious food. There are lots of toys to play with and blankets to rest on. MEOW even sent a quilt home with me that I love to sleep on. I have a new big brother named Dexter who also came from MEOW five years ago. He is very fun, and we love to chase and sniff and kiss each other; and we both like to snuggle in bed together with our parents.
Our entire family is very grateful to you heroes at MEOW. I have attached some pictures of me so you can see how happy I look.
Katy Bird, (formerly known as Finchy), Dianne and Eric, (aka mom and dad)
October 21, 2018 marked the one year anniversary of coming together as a family with Bailey and Tito (aka Dottie and Chip) and we couldn’t be happier. This sister and brother duo are the sweetest pair of cats, and watching them grow into their own unique personalities has been a joy. And to think it all started with the simple little gesture of Bailey stretching out her timid white paw through the opening of her cage as I happened to walk by. Not only did she capture my attention, she and her brother have captured our hearts!
Thank you MEOW for taking such great care of them until we were able to bring them to their forever home.
We adopted Stevie and Lotus Pot Pie from MEOW back in June 2013 and they are doing so well! We recently moved from WA to California and they seem to be loving the endless amounts of sunshine that pour into bedrooms! Thank you so much for bringing them into our lives!
We got Winston from you right before Christmas and we ADORE him! He gets along great with his new kitty pal Bastian and even enjoys the company of our bunny Fauna.
Tomorrow it will be 4 months since I moved to Anacortes with my adoptive ‘pet parent’ (PP). My older sister Peeps & I have our own sun room. Peeps is very fun and we spend entire nights playing chase and creating messes for our PP. Then we spend the day sitting in the sun and watching the birds. I’ve never seen such bird activity! We have them all-I’m particularly interested in the hummingbirds. I tried to convince my PP to let me outside, but she couldn’t be tricked. I now have to go from window to window to keep track of them. Our PP says we are putting up the ‘feeder’ this weekend-in front of Peeps & my window, so I won’t have to interrupt my nap time to keep watch. Peeps isn’t as impressed by the birds as I am. I even tried to figure out how to open the back door, but the PP caught me! And I got a time-out! I really love it here! And have been showing my PP some affection by kisses and purrs. It appears these signs of affection make her very happy. She even lets me sleep in her bed (during rainy days) – on the sheet and pillows!
My daughter and I adopted Apricot (Marbles was her MEOW name) when she was just 4. She was an immediate perfect fit for us. Just looking her way would start her purring. Eventually we moved to Florida. The screened in lanai with an abundance of lizards to chase and sun to sleep in was her favorite. She passed in January after 14 wonderful years. Thank you for your service to the angels in kitty coats.