Category: Happy Endings


Just wanted to send you an update on Dobby (now Moose).

He is doing awesome. He loves snuggling with me on the recliner chair or in his cat tree. He is super playful but not too harsh with the girls, we love playing with the wire toy – totally his favorite!! His favorite spot is with us or watching the birds. He is eating really well and using the cat box. We let him run the house now, he is super comfortable. Thank you for the opportunity to bring him into our home!




Dylan is WONDERFUL and is already making himself perfectly at home! We’re completely smitten with him. Thank you so much to our contactless adoption counselor for introducing us to our new family member and for guiding us through this process! And –thank YOU to Dylan’s foster mom for sending some of his toys and for being such an awesome foster kitty mom!

Dylan was an absolute champ for the car and ferry ride, and we got him home a couple of hours ago. He’s currently set up in the guest room and we’re taking turns being with him while the other person is out cuddling Gaia. Within 10 minutes of arriving, he was already purring and playing!

We’re looking forward to introducing him to Gaia and giving him run of the rest of the house as soon as the vet says we’re clear of the conjunctivitis. 🙂

Y’all are the best,



We adopted Rusty last week and he’s the best!! He is getting so so so much love and play time with our boys. ❤️
He has met older brother Spark only through the door at this point, we are taking it slow and trying to make sure the ultimate introduction goes well!
Thank you so much for the gift of this furry wonderful baby for our family!
Molly Ben Will and Isaac


After 5 days of under door and through gate meetings, Pop and Tortellini are now out playing and already friends! They’ve been chasing each other around the house so hard, and she cannot leave him alone (and they’re both leaving our older kitty Stache alone, who smells him and is very content not being tormented by them). So far he’s an absolute delight and perfect friend for Torts, just like we hoped! She loves him!

We are so excited that the gradual introductions have paid off and everyone seems happy today! Grateful he’s such a sweet boy, happy to share the positive update 😊 we love having him here. Thanks so much!


MEOW Team,

I wanted to share that my wonderful talky cuddly loving quarantine housemate is the best cat ever. He came to me from you as “Kink” but I christened him Nigel. He has a loyal Facebook fan club. Because he’s FIV positive, some kind soul had paid his adoption fee forward, so I did the same.

I’ve owned plenty of kitties in my 64 years, but he is by far the most amazing one. I cannot imagine my life (especially in quarantine) without his constant loving presence. Back when friends were allowed to visit and even (gasp) collect for dinners and book club meetings, he was overjoyed to meet everyone and hung around to listen/participate. When it’s just me, he follows me around like a dog. His favorite times (well, beside mealtime) are when we watch Netflix and he gets plenty of petting and lap time, followed closely by dish washing time, when he plonks himself down on the kitchen rug *immediately* behind where I have to stand, to supervise. I have to be careful not to step on his kinky tail.

When not following me, his favorite things are to watch “bird TV” out the kitchen window, or to chew on some grass when we’re out in the backyard, he on his red leash.

I am eternally grateful for him…and you!              


Uno and Ocho

Dear MEOW Cat Rescue.

 We hope everyone at Meow’s rescue safe and healthy!

We adopted Blueberry Pie and Coconut Pie in Jan 2019. We renamed them Uno and Ocho after adoption. They have been the nicest kitties. We moved from Kirkland, WA to Carlsbad, CA 9 months ago. Both kitties handled the long drive extremely well too (actually Ocho was vocal about it!)

Now they are happy California residents and hunkering down with us during the Covid 19 lockdown. Words can not speak the love we have for the two brothers – they follow us around everywhere, love to nap at our feet, never got into any trouble, never once had a litter box accident… they have been wonderful companions during this lockdown. They love computers and like to be on conference calls!


Callie & Rocky


I wanted to give you all a brief update on Callie and Rocky.  We adopted them back in April and couldn’t be more in love and happy with our decision to make them a part of our family.  Rocky (Roxy) is such the cuddle bug now and has become quite the lap cat. She purrs constantly and if she isn’t cuddled up next to you she is either in one of her cat huts or watching outdoor activity from our front window.

Callie is the more outgoing of the two and after losing some much needed weight has become super active. She loves carrying little furry mice around and will often sprint through the house. She is still a lap cat too and just as cuddly. She makes us laugh quite a bit…SHE LOVES FOOD! and food of any kind. We have caught her stealing anything from pizza, hamburgers, donuts, and even food wrapped in their package. She has the best nose and we have to be on our toes on 

leaving things out. (Not easy with 2 preteen boys.) But like I said, she has lost a few pounds and looks great. 

They both get along great with our dog, Luna. They will both often come nose to nose with her just to check in and say “HI”.  Oh…and they both made it into the Microsoft calendar for 2020!

Thanks again!

Johnny & Magnus


I realized that we never sent you an update on our beautiful boys.  Johnny has his arm over Magnus – this is typical.

What an ordeal!  We picked Magnus up from MEOW on 8/29/19, thinking we could introduce him to Johnny in the next couple of weeks.  Magnus spent his time upstairs in his own two bedroom, one bath suite.  What a lover he was from the beginning – always so happy to see you – he likes to “groom” you as if you are one of his own!  He was a little timid at first, but quickly came out of his shell. Boy, can that cat play fetch!  I threw the crinkly ball 24 times and he retrieved it each time (I am the one that got tired).  Same with the little toy screws…  so fun!  I slept upstairs every night with him until he could be part of the “house” too, so he and I bonded.  I didn’t sleep, but we bonded.  He is a little uncoordinated and awkward still, but in a loveable way.

Magnus ended up being upstairs until 10/29/19 – a full two months after we brought him home because Johnny’s leg wasn’t healing.  We had to put up two baby gates to totally block off the upstairs, yet, Johnny with his broken leg would still try to climb the gate and see who was up there. So he had to be sequestered in the laundry room for the last month.  Tim & I spent time alone with each cat each day, and towards the end of the second month we would bring Magnus downstairs to get the lay of the land, feeding the cats on each side of the door.  It always went well.

Johnny’s leg finally got the all clear on 10/29/19 and we were supposed to introduce them slowly for his leg’s sake.  They were already quite comfortable with each other’s smell (after two months changing towels back & forth).    Slowly didn’t happen!  It was all-for-one and one-for-all from the moment we let Johnny out of the carrier after the final check-up.  He bounded up the stairs to meet his friend and they have been inseparable ever since.  They rough house and take turns being dominate, groom and clean each other, sleep together on the condo. Magnus sings quite loudly and at great length for his dinner and has Johnny chime in now.  Johnny’s leg is quite strong from all the running they do – it sounds like a herd of elephants sometimes.  Johnny is more mellow and less destructive since his buddy showed up.  We could not have asked for a better match – beyond anything we imagined.

Our home is full of contentment and laughter.  The ‘boys’ really are our children.  After dinner all four of us watch TV for a bit – Johnny by Tim, Magnus by me and then one will move to be with the other.

Thank you so much for helping our family grow and be ‘rich’.  Such a joy…

Roxanne & Tim
Proud and Happy Parents

Boo & Atticus

One of my favorite aspects of being a foster is hearing just how well former foster kittens are doing in their forever homes and how much they are loved. Boo and Atticus were my fosters, along with their sister Scout, almost 13 years ago. Their mom, Marti, sends me an update and pictures every year during December to let me know how they’re doing. I so enjoy staying in touch with Marti and it warms my heart to know that these boys are in the perfect place. Here’s an excerpt of her most recent update.

“Boo and Atticus continue to thrive. They’ll be 13 in March! They are my loves and we are really enjoying each other now that I’m retired and home more. 

Boo is a lean and trim 9 lbs, still very active and runs the length of the condo, catapults himself in the air up on to his cat tree. Atticus has recently tipped the scales at 15 lbs! He’s gotten a bit tubby. I’m working with the vet on his (their) diet. It’s really hard to get him moving but other than his UR problem (which we manage with his diet), he’s in good health.”

Joni Cervenka – MEOW Board President


Hi Everybody!

Gosh I feel like I could write an essay right now! We are so very happy to be calling Ramona a part of our family. The first day she was here she spent 3 hours hiding in her carrier. I was trying to give her space so I stayed out of her room. It wasn’t until my husband,  sister and I went in, that she perked up. She was SO excited to see people! She wanted all the love and attention. I have never met a cat with so much trust in humans!!! She is VERY social. She is getting along just fine with our older cat Callie. We recently introduced her to our younger one Tierney (we were going to wait but Ramona said she was done living in the bathroom…). She and Tierney are working out a pecking order but it’s going much better than I could have hoped for. I think with a little work they may become playmates. Ramona loves that my husband works from home. She sits on his lap or by his computer monitor for HOURS. She is also enjoying the windows. She gets very excited when she sees a bug or falling leaf.

She loves the toys you guys sent us with! Watching her play with the mouse is hysterical! She continues to do great with her meds. I have an appointment for her next, next week to establish care.

Thank you so much for giving her a second chance.

-Emily, Michael, Callie and Tierney