Category: Happy Endings


You’d think Sully’s been living here for years.

He hid in a bedroom closet when he first came home. Tracy put some food out for him and he stuck his head out, had a snack, and made himself comfortable on the bed. Sunday morning he came out hopped up on the couch and watched soccer with me.

Sully is one pretty smart cat. He’s already figured out that when he hears the alarm go off in the morning that means the people will be up and around. Usually he waits in the middle of the living room and watches what we do.

He’s spending his afternoons stretched out by Tracy’s laptop supervising her work.

We’ve discovered he’s a very good leaper. He likes to jump up on counters and ledges so we’re having to set some boundaries in our very small kitchen. His ease around people suggests he must have had a home at one point.

So yes, there was an adoption. Sully has adopted us.

Again, thank you and please tell everybody we appreciate all you did for Sully.



Although the loss of a pet is definitely not a happy ending, celebrating years and years of togetherness is truly the best happy ending, which is why we include these tributes here.

We lost our beautiful, beloved Grady last week. A cancer diagnosis and a quick decline. 17+ years of love and entertainment, a cat with a sense of humour.

What an adventure you sent us on when we adopted Gunnar and Grady. The Gmen were the very best of all our many cats and they both are missed. Three years ago losing Gunnar was hard but we still had Grady. Now we’re having an especially difficult time with Grady’s loss.

Hope all the rescues are going strong and thank you for trusting us with our two furry loves.

Sherry and Hal


Hello, here is this little muffin’s life update😊

He has been getting along with Poi (big sis cat) and Nelson (big bro dog). His favorite place to sit is on the printer (it’s right next to the window). He like’s eating the plants too. He loves to play with Poi, sometimes Nelson.  He also is adorable🥰. He does things that just are too cute I can’t explain.

Like look at this picture😱how adorable?!?! He is very happy here.😊😸we love him very much.

– Anami Rota age 9

Sheldon & Leonard

We adopted Sheldon (now Dizzy) and Leonard (now Louis) August 2020.

It was a virtual adoption and we hoped they would adopt us without having met us first – it was a success!

Dizzy and Louis settled in right away and got to know all the best birdwatching spots in the house. They’ve been such a joy and we can’t say enough about their foster parents’ skills with raising such wonderful boys. They’re loved by everyone who meets them.

Thank you so much MEOW, for bringing these guys into our lives.




Rocky is the sweetest cat and has been so amazing since the first day. 
He is settling in very well, is amazing with the kids and is doing well with our pug. 
We had him only for a week and he has already won our hearts.
He is so affectionate, he follows us everywhere in the house and loves to sit on my computer during meetings. Kids enjoy playing with him seeing him jump after his feathers and after the little orange bouncy thingy. 
His cold is getting better, he was sneezing a lot the first days, I have been using eucalyptus essential oil in diffuser around the house and it seems to be helping him get better.

Thank you so much.

Serena, Alex, Theo, Arthur, Luuna and Rocky

Janey & Jilly


I thought you’d appreciate this. We keep a few of the cat toys in a drawer in our living room coffee table. The table is a big, solid maple thing, and the drawers are quite heavy. Last week, Jilly was sniffing around the drawer, so I decided to pull out a couple of cat toys and play with the cats for a bit. They chased a couple fuzzy snakes around for a good half an hour before they got bored (or so I thought) and I put the toys away.

When I was brushing my teeth, not ten minutes later, I heard strange noises in the living room. I came out to investigate, and I saw both kitties with their paws in the toy drawer. Somehow a pair of very determined twelve-pound cats managed to pull open a very large, heavy drawer and then reach in and pull out their favorite toys. Now they can get their toys whenever they want. I keep putting them away, and the kitties think of it as kind of a game to break into the toy drawer and pull them back out.

Thank you again for raising such clever kitties and giving them a home with us! Here is a photo of Janey breaking in.

Rachel & Sarah



I just wanted to give you a very belated update about Lucy, a very sweet 8 year old kitty that I adopted in October 2017. She settled in immediately and has become best friends with Otis, my other kitty. They sleep, bathe, and eat together every day.

Lucy has proven herself to be the sweetest girl; she never gets mad, nor hisses or bites and doesn’t appear to have a mean bone in her Rubenesque body. Just a total lovebug who thoroughly adores her not so new home. Thanks for saving her so that she could be a part of my household. I’ve enclosed a picture of Lucy (lounging in front) with her best buddy Otis.


Coco & Merlin

Hi Team Meow,

I wanted to share an update on Coco & Merlin (aka Shaggy & Velma), whom we adopted from you about 2 years ago.  They’ve grown into happy, mellow adults with very distinct personalities.  The occasional sibling fight keeps things spicy.  They love climbing the cat wall and laying in the sun all day.  Thanks for introducing us to two great companions!



Winthrop & Yeti

I wanted to update you on Winthrop and Yeti, formerly known as Quincy. They are doing awesome! We have been so impressed with how quickly they have adapted to their new home. They are super confident, playful, and very, very loving. The kids have started a new routine of reading with kittens every day which might be my most favorite thing ever! If they aren’t playing crazy they are cuddling, either one of us, or each other. We are so happy to have them join our family.

Thank you for these incredible kittens, and thank you to their foster mom for the toys, food and treats. This has been an incredible week for us!

Miss Fritzy

In the past year, after the loss of my two senior kitties within 9 months of each other, plus, a close family member, plus the pandemic and isolation, and…and… and…I felt completely lost. After my last kitty passed away on January 29th, my house was so lonely. I contacted Joni at MEOW, and we explored several options for a new companion.

Miss Fritzy (previously known as Fritzy) joined me on a foster-to-adopt basis on February 10th. She is almost 2 years old and had some puzzling behaviors that meant she couldn’t be with young children and other cats. She needed a specialized setting with an experienced and patient cat parent. As a result, she was having trouble finding a forever home.

Happy Ending! I adopted Miss Fritzy! She has brought so much joy to my home. Her antics and vocalizations are just what I needed. She is curious and loving. She plays foos ball or soccer throughout the house for an hour at a time. She loves to bring me the ball, as if to say, “Look what I brought you Mommy!” 

Miss Fritzy sleeps on the end of my bed every night and loves looking out the windows. She loves watching me unload the dishwasher, sweep the floor, talk on the phone, watch TV, and ‘do’ my life. I needed her, and she needed me. Happy ending, for sure.

Thanks to all of you at MEOW for the love of my sweet Boo and Atticus, who are now gone, and this sweet Miss Fritzy.
