Category: Happy Endings

Rudy and Ginger

Rudy and Cleo, aka Ginger, found their way into our hearts and home this past March of 2010.  It had been six months since our home heard the pitter patter of paws on our wooden floors and I can honestly say it was a most welcome sound.  Better yet, having adopted two buddies, it was even nicer to hear them running around the house after each other in joyful play. 
In the beginning Rudy was a bit cautious of his new surroundings and quite vocal at night.  What was most intriguing was that when I‘d go to find Rudy to see if something was wrong, I would find him completely content sitting on a chair.  To this day, I think he was testing me to see I would come when I was called like he would do when I called him!  Cleo, on the other hand, was quite inquisitive and made herself at home right away.  If there was a lap to be had, Cleo was sure to find it.  Her favorite past time in the beginning was learning how to open cabinet doors….very inquisitive!
It has been seven months now and they are truly part of the family and a joy to be around.  They continue to surprise and entertain.  Thank you Meow for taking such great care of them and keeping their spirits so beautifully intact!
Karen & Rick Shea

Junior and Opie


We adopted our precious kitties from you and just wanted to give you an update on how they were doing. We adopted Junior(Johnson) from you Five years ago and our other cat Opie (Tyler) from you four years ago. They both were adopted with eye issues, Opie was rescued from a hoarder and developed the Herpes virus in one of his eyes that required surgery and Junior was abandoned by someone at an apartment complex and somehow got an injury to one of his eyes. Their days are now happily filled with playing,eating, sleeping and getting lots  of loving from their mom and dad. We love them both, so much, they bring us so much happiness. They are, our little family. I have attached a few photos of them, to show you how well, they are doing now.      

Craig and Carolyn T.

Destiny and Patches

Destiny and Patches joined our family at the end of May. They were slightly unsure of us at first, but it didn’t take long for Patches to settle in and become Queen of the house. Since they were already 8 and 10 when we met them, we decided to keep the names they have had for so many years, but now call Destiny, Desy for short. She actually seems to like the new name better!

We also call them the “purr monsters” because they are always purring and happy for affection. We are so thrilled to have two cats who share such a loving bond with one another. Watching them groom each other and snuggle together is so adorable! They are also incredibly well behaved. They actually ask before sitting on the couch with us, though we have no restrictions on furniture for them. Patches likes to groom us as well, to keep our “coats” as pretty as hers. At 10 years old, Desi still requires play time each day and both girls look forward to their daily brushing. Mostly, they’re just happy to curl up together in a box or on the bed and start purring the moment they see one of their humans.


Dear Old Friends at MEOW,

This is Her Brightness, Lady Rose of Aberlone writing to you from my new home! I was adopted on Valentine’s Day under the name Tabitha – but my person thought this long fancy name was better suited because of my dignity and aloofness. She just calls me “Brightness,” though. Humans are so lazy! 

I like things here very much. It took me almost no time to warm up to my person! But there’s another cat here, my new brother. His name is Weatherford and it took us about a week and a half to become friends. “Who are you?” he would hiss. “Who do you think YOU are?!” I would growl. Then I called him a malevolent demon and he called me a raging lunatic, but we were both just lonely, really, so we got over it pretty quickly. Now my favorite thing is to chase him all over the apartment and to ambush him! Well, I’m still a kitten, after all! I also have a huge collection of toys! I like to keep them under the sofa and coffee table, out of reach of my human. I can’t really reach either, then, but at least I know no one else is playing with them! My human forgets how many toys she already bought me, and often comes home with another jingly ball or tuft of feathers. Soon I’ll run out of hiding places. 

My human wants you to know that I have been very well behaved! We haven’t had any accidents at all, and I’m growing so much. She’s pretty understanding about kitten things. When she discovered that I will shred any cardboard I find, she just laughed and said, “At least you aren’t chewing on the wires and books.” I hope you are all well!

Brightness, a.k.a. Lady Rose, nee Tabitha

Clancy and Dudley

Dear MEOW folks, 

Sammy, now known as Clancy, is doing absolutely great.  Since bringing him home last fall, we’ve had a series of ups and downs.  It took him a while to adjust to his new home and his new human and feline roommates.  I’m very happy to report that he seems to have turned the corner for good.He has a new best buddy, Dudley (also a MEOW kitty, known to you all as Jazzman).  Like Clancy, Dudley was a timid, frightened cat when I brought him home five years ago, but he has blossomed into a sociable, friendly, “little buddy” of a cat — even my mother, who is not a cat lover, adores him and calls him “The perfect cat”.  Dudley loves other cats and he was totally thrilled when Clancy arrived.  They have formed a strong bond and I just love seeing them together.

The best part of all, however, is that in the past few weeks Clancy has finally decided that he also likes people.  At least, he likes me.  He’s discovered the joy of what I have dubbed his “pettin’s” — vigorous, all-over body rubs.  When it’s time for his pettin’s, he does somersaults all over himself in his efforts to get as much of his body rubbed as possible.  He even likes having his tummy rubbed!  He’s finally taken to sleeping on the bed with me and the other cats, and — best of all — he even climbed onto my lap a couple of days ago.  When he did that, I knew that he was truly happy to be one of the family.
Clancy is an absolutely wonderful little guy and I adore him.  Thank you for letting me bring him home.
Best,Beth Harvey


On Saturday, Tyler and I came in and adopted little Jack-Jack (now Rasta).  We couldn’t be more please with the service we received, and with how helpful and patient the staff was with us as we tried to decide which cat to take home.  Rasta is such a funny little guy, and we love him so much!  Unlike cats we’ve had in the past, he warmed up to us and to our home immediately, and is constantly curious about what we’re doing.  He gets confused if we’re all on the couch together and then somebody gets up – you can tell he wants to stay and continue to be pet, but then he also wants to see what the other person is up to!  He’ll run back and forth between us, keeping an eye on all the action.  He’s an incredibly loving and affectionate little guy.  When Tyler leaves for work in the morning, he follows him to the front door and then cries for 5 minutes once he’s left.  I think it’s safe to say that he loves us as much as we love him.  Again, we just wanted to say thank you for all of your help!!  We are truly so glad that we have this little addition to our family. – Tyler, Denise & Rasta

Bella and Luna

Hello!  This is Bella (a.k.a. Granita) writing from my new home where I live with my daughter Luna (a.k.a. Halle) and our humans, the Ottersburgs.  We moved here about 6 months ago, and we’ve been making ourselves at home ever since.  At first, we were very shy and spent a lot of time hiding.  Our humans were a little worried we would never warm up.  But they were wrong!  We never hide from them anymore, and only go under the bed when strangers come over.  We love to be pet, and cuddle with our mom and dad when they sit on the couch.  We’re having lots of fun playing with all our toys, especially the laser pointer.  We’ll catch it eventually! 

We’re showing more and more personality every day.  Luna is a known sock stealer; her record is 8 socks in one day!  She seems to think each sock is a “kill” and announces it to the whole family – no matter the hour.  Myself, I like to be comfortable, and will always be in the cushiest spot in the house.  My mom says it’s really hard to get a good photo of both of us, especially because almost every time she points the camera, I run at her and ask for some pets, but here is a pretty good one so you can see how happy we are.  I’m the big fluffy one and Luna is the little one. 

Well, we just wanted to let you know that we’re doing great and we’ve found our forever home.  Thanks!

Sir Galahad

Hard to believe that I’ve lived with my people for 6 years now – time truly flies when you’re having fun.
I came to MEOW from North Bend through the county animal control; they found me wandering around outside and said I was sick, so I had to stay at MEOW and get better to be adopted. HAH – I fooled them! I got a private room at MEOW right away, and then my person came in and it was love at first sight. When I went home, I discovered I had a very tiny and elderly feline auntie who taught me the ropes, and there were dogs too!!! I wasn’t too sure about the dogs, but now we play, chasing each other through the house. I’ve learned to sit up for treats (when it suits me) and I get to go for walks in the back yard on a harness. I like everyone, I’m present for all parties, and I absolutely positively adore being brushed. I have this glorious tuxedo of long hair, and I’m always silky smooth after a brushing. I have toys, all the treats I can eat, I sleep everywhere, and my mom calls me “the little Prince”. I even have my very own dvd to watch of birds and mice and squirrels. The only thing I do that seems to irritate my mom is that I sing loudly at all hours. I think I was an aspiring opera singer before I came to MEOW, and I still have the dream.
It really is wonderful to be me!
Sir Galahad
of the Tacoma Murphys
Renda & Mike


Hello! Mango here, writing to you from my new home. Things are working out well here. I have a whole big apartment just for me, with lots of soft carpet and a cozy bed to sleep on. It’s so much better than being outside in the cold! My new human and I have lots of quality conversations, and she tells everyone she knows how smart and beautiful I am. I’ve trained her to know when I want to eat and sleep, and when I want to be petted and when I want to play. All in all, things are pretty good here! How nice to be appreciated for the perfect cat that I am, give or take a leg?

Thanks to everyone at MEOW for taking good care of me and helping me find my new home. My human and I both appreciate it, and send our love. ~ Mango


Milo is curled up next to me with a little smile on his sleeping face as I write this.  We adopted him last week after wanting to add a pet in our home ever since we moved to Seattle last summer.  It has been such a fun week bonding with this sweet kitty who loves to be petted, loves playing with his toys, greets us when we get home and just generally seems pleased to be the center of attention.  He loves to purr, give kisses and definitely lets us know when it’s breakfast time.  We couldn’t have imagined a better addition to our family.  We were so impressed with the adoption volunteers and staff at MEOW and were very excited to have found such a wonderful organization.  The cats there are very blessed and we wish we could have given them all a home!  We know where we’re coming if Milo needs a buddy! Thanks again, Jared and Sarah Ray