Category: Happy Endings


Meow-ers, Sox is doing VERY well in his new home with his new sisters!  He’s eating fine, he’s exploring the house already and other than a few hisses, no bopping has occurred and there have been lots of sniffs.  He’s currently looking out the screen door into the backyard, where several squirrels are hanging out.  I know many of you liked him a lot, so know he’s come to the house of very spoiled kitties!


Hello Friends –
On this recent Father’s Day, Charlie and Beth presented me with the gift of a cat — to be chosen at a convenient time. That time was yesterday, and Charlie and I ventured to the Meow Cat Rescue in Kirkland to select the perfect match for me. By the way, the Meow Cat Rescue is a wonderful place, doing good things, and operated by terrific staff and volunteers. Charlie and I were immediately drawn to the cat now known as Roscoe. Roscoe is about one and a half years old, a male, short hair, long and lean, 12 pounds, and very attentive and affectionate. I know that I am very fortunate to have found him. At this moment he is lying on my desk watching me type this email.

All of you were so very caring a supportive during the illness of Joe the Cat, and I am most grateful for your help at that time. Now, I want to share the good news of Roscoe.

Thank you again, and my warmest regards and wishes,


Sadie is settling in so well! She is a super sweet girl who has made herself at home with me and I love her to pieces! She loves playing fetch in the yard, exploring the neighborhood and new dog parks and meeting new friends, both dog and people! And of course, she loves to snuggle – she didn’t get the memo that she is not lap-sized 🙂

The neighborhood kids quickly became fans of Sadie! In fact, all my family and friends have all fallen in love with her – and she with them! 

Thank you again for all that you did to match us up. I couldn’t be happier with Sadie! She is exactly the dog I was praying for!



What can I say?  Merci is the sweetest, smartest, and funniest cat and has made herself completely at home.  We all do as she says.

Her adjustment to the dogs is complete.  She goes up and gives them a kiss on the nose.  She still jumps to attention when Bud our Golden runs through the house but usually sits and bats at him as he runs by.

She has taught me how to play soccer (when I am in the bathroom) and tells me when it is my turn to chase the small crinkle paper mouse. I hope she never catches a real mouse because I am sure she would bring it to me to share playtime.  (I would not like that at all.)

Whenever I lay down, she is right beside me touching or laying on my arm.  She doesn’t always stay too long but comes back.

When I am on the computer, she either lays on my hand and the mouse or in a little box that I keep papers in or on the window sill chattering at the birds.  She isn’t happy with me that I won’t let her outside but I told her I intend to keep my promise about that.

She talks all the time.  What a chatterbox!  She understands when I say “no” and stops and usually walks away.  She kisses me fairly often and has on occasion, nipped at me and got a rather stern NO.

I call her Merci and Sweet Pea.  My husband calls her PeeWee.  They ll sound similar so she responds if she feels like it.  She is a cat ater all and we are grateful that she allows us to live here.

I thank God for bringing this precious little gift to me.  She is such ood company and brings us so much joy.  Thank you for your effort in iving her the chance to live and for your decision to let us provide er a loving home.

Judy, Roy and Merci

Toby and Bud

Eowyn and Emily

Hello Meow,

This is Eowyn. I wanted to let you know Emily and I are doing fine with our family. As you may or may-not remember, I came to you with an eye problem and a peculiar tooth problem and had to have all my teeth save my 4 canine teeth pulled. I’m doing very well now! No eye problems and having no issues with my other teeth. Emily was but just a kitten barely able to be adopted because of her age and was saved from a hoarder along with a few of her brothers and sisters.

Emily has grown up so much as the pictures my human took shows. She likes to sleep on Mom to let her know that she is there. Me? I love to sleep at Dad’s head so he hears me purrrrrr. Just my way to say that I love him. Emily has tried to spend more time with Dad lately by trying to sneak into his school bag.

For a human, he’s kinda smart, and has found her each time she has tried to hide with the bag.

Me being the Royalty of the house, I have my throne that oversees the entire home. I love my perch! It has a little house underneath that I allow Emily to sleep in too. We have so many toys to play with and love getting brushed. Well, looks like Emily is trying to get comfortable on my Throne so I will have to cut this short.

Take Care,

Eowyn & Emily


Jewel is doing really great and we couldn’t be happier with her!  She definitely has made our house her home.  Attached is a picture of one of her daily duties around our place.

Dawn and Damon

Tom and Geri

Hi Guys,

Tom and his lovely sister Geri turned 17 last month. There was a party with copious amounts of catnip. Followed by the traditional tearing around the house chasing invisible creatures and each other until they had cleansed the house of all evil. As they fell into an exhausted sleep in their favorite plush bed in front of the Furnace Vent God they were secure in the knowledge they had once again, preserved Western Civilization As We Know It.

Pretty nifty for two kitties that don’t weigh ten pounds between them. Remember, thousands of years ago cats were worshiped as divine. Cats have never forgotten that.

Vicki Russell

Chance and Hope

It is hard to believe that it has been nearly a year ago that two of our special kittens, Chance and Hope were adopted.  You may remember Chance and Hope.  They, along with their sister Destiny, were born with a congenital deformity called eyelid agenesis (the incomplete formation of the eyelids).  Before adoption, they had two surgeries called cryosurgery and are doing just great! 
This is what their new family has to say:
We adopted Chance and Hope almost a year ago this May.  I was a little nervous when first adopting them since they were born with 60-80% of their eyelids missing and had undergone two surgeries.  My worries were put to rest once we brought them home.  Chance and Hope only require lubricating eye ointment once a day.  It is easy to do, and they are used to it.  Both cats love to play with their toys and chase each other around the house.  My kids absolutely adore Chance and Hope and tell their friends how cute they are on a regular basis.  Both cats like to be close by and often nap in their boxes right next to me while I am using my computer, or sit near my husband while he is working downstairs.   Hope and Chance are very affectionate and enjoy being petted on a regular basis.  Hope likes to sit on laps, and Chance likes to sit right next to you.  Chance will even let the kids carrying him around the house.  We are so glad that Chance and Hope are a part of our lives!
Thank you!
Karen, Michael, Eli and Sammy


Hello.  I wanted to write and tell you how much we love having Katie in our home.  We adopted Katie about thirteen years ago from your shelter!  Her name at that time was Carmella, she was about a year or a year and a half old (I can’t remember) and she was returned after being adopted as a kitten because her owner was afraid of her personality.  Katie is a Maine Coon mix, and definitely has a lot of personality!  At that time, my Maine Coon had just died and I was heartbroken for some time.  I saw Katie on PetFinder and her eyes spoke to me.  The very next morning, my daughter and I came to Meow and were told someone had adopted her.  But there was some confusion over who, and as it turned out, she was still there, nobody had been interested in her.  She hid behind the toilet in your rescue’s bathroom and was extremely timid.

We adopted her that day, brought her home, and she immediately took charge of the house.  Her favorite activities include what we call the “jump & bump”, she loves bumping heads and will jump up to do so.  She loves being held and cuddled, and is a very vocal sweet gal.
After seeing the stories recently about the cat without ears being adopted, it made me think to stop and write and tell you that all these years later, as Katie is becoming a senior citizen and greatly slowing down, I still love and adore her and she’s led a GREAT life 🙂
Karen Erikson

Lady Bug

Dear MEOW,

One year ago, I adopted “Cougar”, the cat pictured in the top left corner of your banner on your website. I wanted to send you an update on her life with her new family! She has been through a lot since being adopted. The first of which is that she has a new name of “Lady Bug” and is now affectionately referred to as “Buggy”. Shortly after adopting her, my boyfriend’s house caught fire. So, I moved into a new apartment in Redmond and took in not only my boyfriend but his cat “Chief” as well. Chief is a 3 year old kitty who grew up in a house full of 4 rough-housing boys, so he is not what you would consider to be a friendly cat and can be somewhat aggressive. Now, about a year later, Chief and Lady Bug cuddle together, eat and sleep together, and enjoy chasing toys and sitting in the window sill together. The two have a permanent home here with us and we can’t imagine our life without either of them.  It’s like Lady Bug trained him how to be a nice cat!

Lady Bug’s personality is like no other cat I have owned before. She a cuddle-bug by every definition of the word, and will even meow (more like a scream) at you if you are not petting her. It is adorable! While she may not be the “brightest” of cats, we find humor in the silly things she does which make every day with her that much more special. She wins the hearts of everyone who meets her! My 2 year old niece always mentions her by name, well as close as she can by saying “EEE-di Bug”, and our friends always ask where Lady Bug is when they come to visit. We simply can’t imagine our life without her, and we are amazed each and every day at how she and Chief have bonded with each other. My boyfriend has now become my fiancee, and after our wedding in a few short weeks, we hope to add a new kitten to our life. We will definitely be coming back to MEOW to look for a new member of our family.
Lindsay and Stefan