Category: Happy Endings

Luna and Ravi

We adopted “Mia” and “Ripple” two days after Christmas 2011 (and now it’s mid-February 2012). Their names are now Luna (Roman moon goddess) and Ravi (Hindu sun god) as from the beginning we saw that these critters had a strong presence in our household. Also, we soon realized why they had to be adopted together. The first time that Ravi was closed in a room without Luna, he rose on his hind legs and pounded on the glass French door with his front paws. In reverse, Luna howled. Now they are getting a little more independent and do not have to be together all the time, but are still devoted to each other. They are incredibly loving to and cuddly with us humans and are so kind to our older cat – always friendly but not pushy. Ravi is the best lost sock finder in the world and Luna (who sounds so like a morning dove) makes sure to leave us a toy to have in our bed each night. Both seem to think that they need to help us do laundry and write emails (although we have discouraged the keyboard use.) Thanks to their foster home for socializing them so well.


Dear MEOW, 

In 1998, I came to your organization to adopt a cat. As I tried to choose from among the outgoing tabbies, one of your workers convinced me to take a second look at a young, timid black cat cowering in a dark corner. The moment I touched Abby (formerly Mookie), she started purring loudly and made the decision for me. 

Abby grew into a shiny, soft beauty with neverending purrs and a love of playing with toys. Even as a senior cat, she would leap like a kitten to capture a plush mouse and present it to me. She was the sweetest, most loving cat I have ever known. Abby brought many years of joy to my life. She recently passed away at age 15, but will be in my heart forever.  

I am so thankful to MEOW for rescuing Abby and helping her become part of my life. I wish the best to all of you, and to future pet owners. 


Jinx and Roo


We have had Jinx (formerly Hansel) and Roo for 4 years now and I cannot imagine a day without them! They are such characters. Roo loves the laser pointer and Jinx is a lap cat, always seeking our attention (whether or not it’s convenient for us…haha) !
We have moved a couple times since we got them and they have adjusted very well each time! Whenever we are having a bad day, we can always rely on those adorable faces to cheer us up and make us laugh!
Both cats have fit in with our family, our lives and our hearts!
Becca and Josh

Sadie and Chloe


My husband and I adopted two 4-month-old “foster sisters” last Saturday (1/28).  Originally named Marley and Dumpling, they are now Sadie and Chloe. They were raised together in a loving foster home and were only at MEOW two days before we adopted them. They are settling in to their new home just fine. They sleep together in their cat bed, and have wild playtimes! We’re looking forward to many loving years with our new “girls”.

Thanks and best wishes,

Shelly & Larry

Grace Penn


Hi – it is ME, Grace Penn – yet again…….

I wanted to let you guys know that Mum moved me to Bellingham, and I have been here (and there) for one year now.  Actually I love it (PLEASE DO NOT TELL MUM).  The really interesting part is that – about every two – three weeks, I get put into my carrier and off I go, back to Kirkland (that is where Uncle Mike lives).  The rest of the time, he comes to ME, in Bellingham.  Mum actually purchased my own Christirdiemas tree this year.  “WE” are putting only birdies on that tree.  As usual MY presents will be under the tree that I inspired, in my living room (nothing but cat ornaments on the tree) – as it should be – right???!!!

I LOVE Christmas and I love to lay under my trees and look at the lights.  Thank you SO much MEOW for rescuing me from that awful crack house.  I just love my new life AND most importantly, I am SO LOVED!!!

FYI, my birthday is going to be January 5, 2012.  I will be EIGHT!  I sure do not look it!

Love you MEOW!!

Grace Penn

I hope that you remember me.  It is ME – Grace Penn aka Miss April 2007. I wanted to update you on me and my family. 

When my Mum adopted me, January 7. 2005, I continued to live in Kirkland and I was VERY happy and VERY spoiled (I insisted upon this), there.  However, Mum built me a new home in Bellingham, WA.  She moved me up in October of this year.  I could have done without the car ride, although I cannot really remember it, due to a shot of Rescue Remedy.  I was kinda mad about all this, but it took me about one hour and I started exploring the new place.  It was not all bad.  Mum had two window seats built especially for me (she should have built them for all the windows. I can look out and there are some mighty strange critters walking in MY yard…  deer, racoon … I see neighbour dogs on the street … and, of course, birds – yum.  Geez, it is like watching my kitty video.  I even have two fireplaces – I cannot get enough of them. 

I still love to watch TV ( football, Dancing With The Stars etc.). I still sing and I am feeling really good. My vet – Dr. Marie from Brookfield says I could loose a few, but who couldn’t??!  Dr. Marie takes very good care of me and cleans my teeth every year. Can you believe that I have not had any out for the past three years!!  Mum has tried to clean them, however, she was not very successful, so she puts a dental rinse in my water every day. Uncle Mike visits me every other weekend and on those other weekends, I go back to see him in Kirkland … that car thing again …
I just wanted to say “HI” to all of you, especially Bonne and Denise and thank you SO much for what you did for me!!  I am so grateful, even though I did not act so, at the time.  Hey, maybe Mum and I will drop in to see you when we are in Kirkland sometime.
Grace Penn


Her name is Mischa now and she’s a happy, beautiful little girl.

She’s good friends with Elmo, formerly named Fluffy, who I adopted from Meow as a kitten two and a half years ago.

And she gets lots of ear washings from George, who was named Dasher when I adopted him from Meow in ’09. A good thing, because she has very long ear tufts! George loved raising his two kittens and teaching them to run up and down the stairs and cat tree.

All three lucky Meow cats are enjoying their Redmond home which has a safe outdoor cat enclosure, regular Science Diet meals, lots of catnip, and lots of love. Thank you, everyone at Meow, for rescuing these three sweeties!



Hi there –

I came into MEOW to talk about fostering and quickly fell in love with little Mo (3.5 months old).  In June 2011, I rescued a little male kitten from an abandoned apartment, Greyson now 9 months, and found that even though I spent a significant amount of time with him in the morning and evening, he was just lacking that special bond.  After about an hour at MEOW, I became the proud new “mom” of Mo.  Within an hour of her being in our home, she and Greyson were inseparable, and have been ever since.  She has been in our home a little over a month and is just a delight to have.  Mo is very well behaved with no social or behavioral issues (even though Greyson tries to teach her some bad habits), she is such a little lady, and has the BEST personality.  Some of Mo’s favorite things to do are to bug Greyson and play chase, carry her little “mouse” around and hide it, sleep in bed under the covers (she loves to snuggle), and sit in the window soaking up the last bits of sun. 

Thanks MEOW for making such a happy home even happier!!!  Mo is purrrrific!!!!



Hello to MEOW adoption center!

My name is Jennifer and I was lucky (!) enough to adopt a cat from you a few years ago.   I have attached some photos  for you, and believe his name was Lightfoot when I first met him.

My niece immediately renamed him Lucky, but I am the lucky one for having him in my life.  He was a bit of a handful and a biter to begin with, but he has finally grown to trust me and my family and I can’t imagine life without him.  I regularly take him to my parents retirement living apartment, and truly believe they are happier to see him than me.  My dad recently started to call him “puma” and “the mayor of puma-ville,”  and when he thinks no one is watching, he leans his 91-year-old frame over to scratch him.

Thank you again for uniting me with Lucky.  He is so special to me, he purrs loudly and incessantly, and I love him so much.  Thank you for everything you do for the animals.

Sincerely – Jennifer

PussPuss and RootBeer

Just wanted to say thank you to all the great staff at MEOW. I adopted two sweet brothers one year ago and we are so happy together. Originally named Sean, RootBeer is the funniest cat. He loves to have belly rubs and cant get enough snuggle time. He comes when he is called and always wakes me in the morning by gently tapping my face with his little paw. He’s super outgoing and not afraid of anything! His brother Puss Puss, formerly known as Blackie is “Momma’s delicate little flower.” He is shy and sensitive and gives the sweetest snuggles. He has the most beautiful markings and always hams it up for the camera. These boys are the funniest cats. They love their toys and are constantly bringing them to me! Every morning I wake up with toys in the bed as they have brought me their favorites during the night while I slept. They just got a new cat tree and love climbing it or just sitting on it and relaxing. I don’t know what I would do with out these boys in my life and I thank you for connecting us!

Yours truly,

Stacia, Puss Puss and RootBeer.


Dear Meow Cat Rescue,
Just a quick progress report on the cat formerly known as “Shadow” (now known as Oso!) who is very happy in his new highrise Belltown condo life!  He wasted no time winning the hearts of everybody around here and now even our dour resident cat is putty in his little paws, as you can see. They are good friends but the older cat definitely shows him the ropes of cathood and keeps Oso in line when needed!

Thank you (and the foster home) for rescuing this amazing being and helping make him part of our lives.

Special thanks to Evelyn for her help and sage advice. We will always be grateful to you all for this gift! No cat can ever replace Frazier who we lost a couple of months back, but this is a new chapter.  A couple of photos are attached. 

Best wishes always,
Jake & Kenn