Category: Happy Endings

Benji and Lindsey

We adopted siblings Benji & Lindsey just after Christmas in 2012. They’re doing great! Super affectionate with the family and very happy to have found a home together! Benji sleeps beside our 3 year old son while Lindsey has adopted his 6 year old brother. We’re lucky to have found each other.

– the Buddie Family

Stevie & Lotus

Hi MEOW Team,

I wanted to send you an email and say THANK YOU so much for helping my husband and I meet our “fur children” Lotus Pot Pie and Stevie. We adopted the girls in mid June 2012 and they have been just an absolute joy to have in our life ever since. They are so full of energy and love, we enjoy so many laughs each day watching them play and hang out with us. They are not from the same litter but they took to each other instantly and constantly cuddle up with their paws wrapped around each other. Sisters for life 🙂

Stevie is quite the talker and enjoys having frequent conversations with us and telling us what she’s thinking about life. She is a cuddle bug to boot. She curls up in our arms and likes to sleep on her back with her four paws sticking out, it’s ridiculously cute. She also loves to talk to you while she’s “sleeping”. We make little noises and while she’s curled up asleep, she’ll meow at us. So stinkin’ cute. Lotus is definitely my girl. She follows me around the house day and night and doesn’t let me out of her sight. It’s so sweet and she is just the biggest love and like Stevie, a big cuddle bug.  She has the softest, sweetest meows and loves to let her people know how much she loves them by giving lots of head bumps while purring as loud as she can. She loves to chase her feather toy and do amazing back flips and pirouettes to catch it.

We wanted to send you a special thank you for all that you do and are so grateful that you connect these amazing animals with their new forever homes. We love our girls and they will always have a forever home with us. We can’t imagine life without them.

Thank you for connecting us with our very much loved fur children,
Kristin, Jake, Lotus and Stevie

Clancy, Harley and Jack

My MEOW boys, Clancy, Harley and Jack, are all thriving.  Clancy is well into middle age and is now a confirmed lap cat.  He had all of his teeth removed this past year, and as a result of no longer having a painful mouth, has gained at least two pounds.  It was the best thing I could have done for him – he’s clearly a much happier cat now that he’s a toothless wonder. 

Jack and Harley (aka Bluto and D-Day, aka The Fratboys) continue to keep me on my toes.  They are endlessly creative in the ways they find to keep themselves amused.  Their latest stunt, a couple of nights ago, was to tear open a bag of fingerling potatoes I’d brought home from the store and proceed to distribute potatoes all over the house.  I found potatoes in my bathtub, on top of my washing machine, under the sofa… I’m still not sure I’ve located all of them.  Lucky for the boys, they are absolutely adorable and therefore incapable of making me angry.  Jack in particular is Mister Personality, and he makes me laugh every single day with his shenanigans.  In all my years as a cat person I’ve never met a cat so thoroughly interested and involved in everything I do.  Jack is an Engaged Cat; he’s a Participating Cat; and he’s a Supervising Cat.  From morning (when he actively oversees my shower and helps me brush my teeth) to night (when he helps me open cans of cat food, helps me scoop the litterboxes, and helps me fix – and eat – my own dinner), Jack is right there every minute making sure all of my domestic activities run as smoothly as possible.  I have no idea how I ever managed without him, and neither, I’m sure, does he.  🙂 

Here’s a picture of Harley and Jack taken during a rare moment of quiet in between all of the wrasslin’ and ankle-bitin’. 

Best wishes to everyone at MEOW from all of us.



Hi from Luna, (formerly Cashmere),

I thought I let you know how happy Luna is in her new forever home. I adopted Luna about  6 weeks ago.  Luna found a nice place to hide for about a 3 and half days before she started to explore the Condo.  Luna has a big bedroom all to herself but she has a favorite spot on a conformable chair under the dining room table.  Luna has had a vet visit and is very healthy.  She does need to put on about 2 pounds and has taken to eating up storm.  She now loves her dry food over the wet.  She loves to have 2 bowls of water to drink from. I think she just likes playing in the water more that drinking it.  She splashes water everywhere.  Luna also likes to send the kitty litter all over the area where the litter box is, but we don’t care, it sweeps up nicely.  She is very shy when friends or family come to meet her but it doesn’t take long before she warms up the them.  She loves kids. I think that’s because they play with her and all her new toys.  In the evening she has taken up running up and down the hallway at top speeds!  She’ll sit on the top of the couch to look out the window and the neighbor cat sitting in his widow.  They are trying to have some kind of conversation.  It’s very funny to watch her watch and talk to him.  She also has found her reflection in the mirrored closet doors and wonders where that other cat is?  If only she know it was her own reflection!   She is just now starting to trust me and will come and lay on the chair or couch next to me when I settle down to watch TV.  She loves music so I keep the radio on while I’m away from home.  I could not be more happier now that Luna has come to live with me.  She has helped me heal from the heart break of the lose of my beloved cat Simba.  Luna will be forever loved my me and my family.

Thank you for being so kind and letting me adopt this wonder kitty cat Luna.


Tully–One Year Later

Hello MEOW!

Jessica & Tully here. Just wanting to let you know that Tully (formerly Duchess) is doing wonderful here in her forever home.  She likes to sit by the window and meow at the birds and the chicken that meanders through the yard. She tells me about her day after I get home from work, and every night she has to be picked up and brought to bed (Even though she doesn’t stay long) just to get some cuddle time. If I forget, then she sits in the living room and meows until I go grab her.  Tully wants you to know that she is very spoiled here, and she has me wrapped around her paw.

Thank you so much for taking such great care of Tully before she came home with me. I hope you know she is a VERY loved cat- my little love bear! 

Jessica and Tully



Zita (aka Pepper @ MEOW) became a member of my household in January 2002.  She was a shy, quiet little kitty (born 7/1/2001) when I first brought her home.  I had adopted her to be a playmate to a little kitten I had adopted from a friend.  After a few weeks of hiding wherever she could fit, she finally came out and explored her new home.  She and Kirby (my original kitty) quickly became the best of friends.  She helped him learn good kitty behaviors 🙂 and they explored together!
I have had Zita for 11.5 years, and she recently turned 12 years old. She is a precious, loving little girl (the name Zita is supposed to mean little girl in Tuscan Italian).  She has adjusted to several new furry roommates in those 11+ years, and taught all of them proper feline behavior – and to respect her as the head of the kitty kingdom!
She loves hanging out near a window – to watch birds, scope out any intruders in the yard, and to bask in the sunshine. She talks to me every morning when I wake up, and never forgets to let me know when it’s time to feed her (and the other two kitties).
Thank you MEOW for helping me find this wonderful cat, and to her former foster mom for taking such good care of her until she found her forever home!


Olive and Indigo

Olive and Indigo

We adopted Indigo and Olive from MEOW during spring of 2012 after the loss of our longtime cat companion, KC.  We did not pick out either of our girls really.  Indigo was our first MEOW adoption and she was the cat that the helpers recommended for us.  She was a tiny little black ball of a dragon but she was good with our kids. She came home, curled up in the sink and has been our baby dragon ever since.  She is proof that strays can become fabulous pets.  Olive came home a month or so later.  When we first came back to MEOW for our second cat, there was a sign on her cage that said not available b/c of a health issue but she kept talking to us and telling us she was our girl.  We ended up asking the shelter to let us know after she was cleared by the vet and they did.  She has been talking to us and bossing us around, playful but gentle with our kids and our constant companion ever since. 

Strangely, after nearly 20 years in Seattle and thinking we would never move, a few months after the girls came to us, we were presented with the opportunity to move to New England for a new job.  It was a chance we couldn’t pass up.  While we knew that we had told MEOW we did not anticipate any major changes in circumstance for our cats, that is what happened.  We couldn’t give them up as we had all really attached and for Olive this was her second family.  So we cleared them with our vet, got some calming pet treats for them and some expensive plane tickets and they flew with us and the kids across country in the cabin of the airplane – Olive loudly objecting the whole way.   

Both cats have adapted well to our new home and our new vet has given them a clean bill of health.  She even helped us develop an eating plan for Indigo who tends to eat to fast and then throw up (she was a stray after all and thinks she must eat fast or it will disappear).  The girls have bonded to each other very well while maintaining their own personalities and independence.  They regularly have what we call a “wild rumpus” where they chase each other around the house and play wrestle.  They stalk each other and play leapfrog and then they curl up for a nap and groom each other.   

These two girls have brought such love and fun to our family that we know we did the right thing and we will continue to treasure them all of their lives.  Thank You and Best of luck MEOW!


This is Valentine!

He came to me as Casey at the age of 4 years old. When first adopted, he spent about 8 weeks in a bathroom closet shelf. He proceed to graduate himself over time to a walk- in closet where he spent the next 4-6 weeks. When he finally began to explore his home in the daylight, he was seriously teriffied of everything: the windows, the TV, the radio, and the smallest sounds. He never strayed more than 50 feet from his food bowl. Valentine is now 13! and as you can see, he is honestly the world’s best kitty. He is a calm guy that loves as much attention as he can convince you to give him! He will sleep pressed into you or wrapped around your head. He will talk to you through out the day to communicate with you. He runs around and plays like he is still a kitten, perfering to chase and eat any stray bugs he spies. These days his hearing is going a little, so if you startle him out of a nap – you might get an earful of crabbing 😉 Valenine loves all company and will ask anyone to rub his tummy. He has even been know to become competive for attention. Awe. 

I had no idea this kitty would turn out to be so protective of me, so communicative, so silly, and be the world’s wisest pet.Thank you MEOW for the best pet EVER!

~Tina 🙂


Hello MEOW!

I adopted Kibo at the end of December. (She was Laurel when she was with you.) She has adjusted so well and pretty much owns the place now! She is still a little skittish when others come here but she warms up to them pretty quickly. My friends laugh because she follows me wherever I go in the apartment! She has gained some weight and is enjoying her new forever home with me. She sleeps with me, sometimes under the covers! She loves to head-butt me, especially in the mornings to wake me up and she’s definitely VERY talkative! 

She’s very affectionate and is definitely the “Personal assistant” you had described her as. She helps me with my math homework or anything that may be interfering with her lap time with me. The biggest surprise with her is how she plays. When I swing around the bird feathers, she jumps so high and does back flips to try to catch it! It’s so amazing and funny! …. and I found out that at least this cat doesn’t always land on her feet! I am so thankful to have her and am doing everything to spoil her rotten! She goes into her “toy” box and always makes a big mess….I haven’t figured out how to have her put her toys away though when she’s done! Oh, and by the way, Kibo means HOPE in Japanese. 

Blessings, Chris and Kibo