Category: Happy Endings


Dear MEOW!

Hi, you rescued me many years ago.  In January 2005, I found my forever home.  I have a very interesting life in that I now live in two places – Bellingham and Kirkland.  I also have my own car and driver to transport me between my two homes.  I kinda like it and I do not have to stay in that carrier anymore.  I actually sit on the seat beside my driver, or lounge in my bed in the back seat.  I really like to look out the windows and often it makes people smile. 

So I thought that I would tell you what I have been up to, most recently.  I am a SEAGAL.  Yes that is right!  Although you will not see me at the games I have my own outfit, consisting of a pleated skirt and tank top.  I must admit that it takes a little while for me to put it on, but every time that I have done so, this year, the SEAHAWKS have won.  What can I say??! 

I would like to thank you so much, once again for rescuing me from that bad situation.  I never knew life could be so good!! 



Hello MEOW!

Kevin is king of the castle in his new home and he’s already adjusted. He’s super affectionate, purrs all the time and is already sleeping right next to us and enjoying being a part of our family. My wife and I couldn’t be happier. Kevin is a perfect addition to our family. It was meant to be.

You guys are doing a phenomenal job.

Thank you,

The Minton Family



I thought I’d check in to let you know how Tink is doing. She has brought so much fun and love to our household. The first day she did really well in a spare room we set up for her. By day 2 she was comfortable and ready to go beyond the room and explore. It took her a few days to get used to my husband. He was a bit too tall for her at first. She liked him sitting down, but when he stood up she’d run away. She’s gotten used to his height and they are buddies now. Tink is my little sidekick. She’s with me most of the time and she cuddles and talks to me often. She runs to me when I come home and definitely lets me know when she’s ready to eat, lol. She loves all her new toys and cat posts. She purrs constantly and rolls on her back to get her belly rubbed. She lies on my legs to watch TV and for part of the night she lies right on top of one of us. I can’t believe it took her so long to get adopted, but I’m just thankful that she’s a part of our family. She’s the perfect fit! 

Thank you and thanks to all the wonderful people at Meow. I’m so very thankful for you….and so is Tink! 

Lots of love,
Brandi and Tink


First of all, thank you for allowing such a sweet kitty into our lives! After just having lost our 18 year old tuxedo kitty, it’s like this was meant to be. The first couple days, Hattie didn’t eat much, and was very skittish, which isn’t surprising with being in a new environment.  She’s still a little skittish, but adjusting nicely.  And definitely eats well! Maybe too well! Anyhow, we LOVE and ADORE her, and are so happy to give her the chance of a good, happy, loving home.  We recently had her wellness check at the vet (I chose a Cats-Only vet because of her history with dogs).  He’s very happy with how she looks and with how well you took care of her!

Again, we LOVE her!! Best wishes to you all!

Theresa and Lloyd



Hi there! 
We wanted to update you on our adoptee from last summer. Cookie had survived some traumatic experiences before coming to live with us, including having kittens with severe hemmorhage and being dumped by her previous owner. When we took her home from MEOW  last August, she had just recovered from an eye infection, and had been diagnosed with asthma (she was on prednisone & eyedrops) but was a very sweet and loving young girl. We took her to our vets at West Seatle Animal Hospital. They recommended stopping the prednisone gradually, mostly to see if the coughing was getting worse or better.  Her coughing continued to subside, which led us to believe asthma wasn’t the major issue. As she interacted with the other kitties, she established her place in the household and found a perch to claim as her own. Within about 3 months, she was not coughing at all and figured out how to get what she wanted from “her” people (she owns us; we don’t own her!) She loves her forever home, especially the windows and is one of the most affectionate cats we have had. Her “best friend” is our 15 year old Persian “Chantilly” and they often use teamwork when they are wanting; a treat or even a little milk. She is a gem and we are sooooooo happy to have adopted her! She is the 3rd cat that I have adopted from MEOW.  Thanks for bringing her into our lives.

Jeff & Sharon



My husband and I adopted a 1 year old male cat named Axel on April 5th, and I wanted to let you know how he is doing. After a couple of days of being extremely shy, he has now come out of his shell, and oh boy, is he a talker! He will excitedly tell us stories from his day. He loves playing with a toy ball we got him, as well as getting belly rubs (which is his favorite activity!). He has been the most pleasant cat, and was clearly well trained by his previous owner. I really enjoy going home to him each day, and he really loves playing and hearing how good he is! He seems just so happy to have someone to love him.  

Thanks for allowing us the opportunity for having this little piece of joy. 🙂 He’s a treasure!  

Anne & Philip


Hello MEOW,

I can’t believe it has been another year already!  I have been in my forever home for two years and I wanted to let you know how I am doing.  I was not sure what pictures of me to send since I am so adorable, so I sent a few.  One is of me sleeping with my paws over my face, it may seem uncomfortable but I like sleeping like that.  One is me sacked out on the bed.  I get complaints that for a small cat I take up quite a bit of the bed but I need my room! One is me with my sister Missy relaxing on the back of the chair.  The last picture is me and my new scratcher which I love. 

Keep up the good work in finding other kitties the love that I have found with my family and I will be in touch again!


Dudley (Missy too)



Simon weighs ten pounds now. This ten pound bundle of joy is doing great and loves humans. He gets up with me every morning and when I get out of bed, he stands up on his hind legs and kisses my face. He acts like I’m the most wonderful human he has ever known and waits for me to get ready so he can go downstairs with me. He is the most happy cat I have ever known.
Just touching base,

Lil Bit and Lil Romeo


I adopted my two beautiful babies (Lil’ Bit & Bam Bam) just a few days before Christmas and it took them till the weekend after to stop hiding under the bed while I was at work. I loved that when I got home, I could go straight to my room and look under the end of bed and find the two of them there. Once I took them out, one by one and cuddled them, they would spend the rest of the day playing all over the apartment! They were NOT fond of New Years Eve though! I was out of the apartment when the fireworks went off and when I came home (even though the noise had stopped) it took me about 2 hours to get them out from under the bed! Both of them are HUGE cuddler’s and compete for my whole lap! Whoever doesn’t sit on my lap will climb up and sit on my shoulder until the other knocks them off. I did change Bam Bam’s name to Lil Romeo (Bam Bam just didn’t suit him). Lil Bit recently discovered that she does NOT like bath tubs full of water, when she decided to walk the edge of a full bath that was draining! She fell in and was out before Lil Romeo knew what happened! About 5 minutes after that, Romeo found that he loves to play with spiders, but is not happy when they don’t run or when I take them away! They sleep in my bed every night, usually starting out at my feet and ending up on my chest. These two are doing very well and are the PERFECT addition to my home!!




My mom and I adopted my kitty, Athena, from you around ten years ago, as my Christmas present.  I think she was called Adriana when you had her. She was seven months old, skinny and adorable. Now she’s nearly ten years old, chubby, and still adorable. Even though she’s been on a diet for quite a while now, she’s pretty healthy, and we hardly ever have to take her for extra vet visits. She’s also a very good kitty; her one thing she does that kind of annoys us is meowing very loudly in the morning. 

Most of the time she just sleeps, and during the winter she likes to curl up on my feet (best space heater ever). I’m away most of the year for college these days, and I miss her whenever I have to go back to school. She misses me too; every time I get home she runs up to me, rubs my legs and purrs like a little motorboat, then follows me around like a puppy. She even comes when I call her sometimes! She doesn’t really play; instead she sits on my bed while I sit at my computer and gives me a nice purring soundtrack (she’s actually doing exactly that while I write this). Even when she’s just sleeping, she’s absolutely adorable. I’m thinking about trying to get into the school apartments that allow pets so that I can take her with me to school; having a kitty to purr at me after a long day of college work would be awesome. 

Athena is my fuzzy buddy and I am so happy that you let my mom and I adopt her all those years ago. 

Thank you so much!
Anya and Athena