My partner Adam and I adopted Buddy Big on September 2nd and want to share some photos with you and update you on how he is doing. He is such a one-of-a-kind spirit and fabulous addition to our family–we could not be happier. He makes us laugh every day and is always around for a furry cuddle and love bite (we discovered very shortly after we brought him home that he shows affection with gentle nibbles!). His name has gradually morphed to “Biggy” and he responds with a switch of his tail whenever he hears us talking about him.
He wasted no time laying claim to his new home and making a spot for himself on any available lap and in between us in bed at night. Our vet has helped us develop a healthy diet and weight-loss regimen for Biggy and we are proud to announce that he lost 1 pound in September! We are planning to help him drop one pound per month until he gets to his goal weight. He is very frisky and playful and does not let a day slip by without showing his scratching post who is boss, attacking anything that wiggles under a blanket, and playing games of “laser cat” with his papa.

He has a few bad habits that we are trying to gently break him of but it is hard because he is so cute! He begs relentlessly for people food (but we are staying strong!) and is prone to climbing in to the dishwasher to try to lick dirty dishes whenever he hears us open it. He has also been caught many times climbing in to the fridge to see what’s for dinner.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the photos and Biggy sends lots of love nibbles to his old family at MEOW. I am so thankful there are people like you running a place like MEOW to give cats like Biggy a safe space and a chance to find their “forever home”. – Andrew