My mom and I adopted my kitty, Athena, from you around ten years ago, as my Christmas present. I think she was called Adriana when you had her. She was seven months old, skinny and adorable. Now she’s nearly ten years old, chubby, and still adorable. Even though she’s been on a diet for quite a while now, she’s pretty healthy, and we hardly ever have to take her for extra vet visits. She’s also a very good kitty; her one thing she does that kind of annoys us is meowing very loudly in the morning.
Most of the time she just sleeps, and during the winter she likes to curl up on my feet (best space heater ever). I’m away most of the year for college these days, and I miss her whenever I have to go back to school. She misses me too; every time I get home she runs up to me, rubs my legs and purrs like a little motorboat, then follows me around like a puppy. She even comes when I call her sometimes! She doesn’t really play; instead she sits on my bed while I sit at my computer and gives me a nice purring soundtrack (she’s actually doing exactly that while I write this). Even when she’s just sleeping, she’s absolutely adorable. I’m thinking about trying to get into the school apartments that allow pets so that I can take her with me to school; having a kitty to purr at me after a long day of college work would be awesome.
Athena is my fuzzy buddy and I am so happy that you let my mom and I adopt her all those years ago.
Thank you so much!
Anya and Athena