A little over a year ago, I adopted a kitty from your organization. The experience was so wonderful, and your shelter is so protective and good to our furry friends that I have had a warm spot in my heart for MEOW ever since. I’ve told all my friends to support you, and to speak to you if they are looking for a permanent companion.
The fuzzy little girl I adopted from your shelter was in foster care most of the time, so you probably won’t remember her very well – but without your website, we wouldn’t be together. She was trapped in a tree for more than six days while they tried to find her and get her down, and suffered terrible dehydration as well as the winter cold before MEOW took her in. Her foster family called her ‘Kat’ and nursed her back to health with MEOW’s help.

I invited her into my family last January, and we’ve been terribly happy with one another. Her name now is Amelia (after another female explorer who was very good at going up, and not so much at getting back down again). She is the light of my life, and a friendly, playful companion. Every day when I come home from work, she greets me with kitty songs; every morning when the alarm goes off, she provides her own ‘snooze button’ by climbing on top of me and singing meows until I give her skritches. She has everything she could ever want, and the best of food and Things to Sleep On.
We’re both tremendously happy, and she has an absolutely dedicated Forever Home. Attached are two pictures of my little girl, and my grateful thanks for all that you folks do for these sweet animals. You are the best!