Happy Endings

We have so many great stories to share about cats and dogs. If you’ve adopted a dog or cat from MEOW and would like to share your happy ending, e-mail your story and picture to meowhappyendings@gmail.com.

A full list of cats adopted from MEOW can be found on Petfinder:

These are just some of the happy stories that remind us of just how important our work is.


I just wanted to let everyone know that Horatio is settling in very well and I’m very happy that I adopted him. He has the run of the house but wants to be with me and seems to understand that he’s finally fallen into clover. Heck, he even has his…

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Hi to everyone and every feline at MEOW Cat Rescue! SiAm is my name now, but you may remember me as Footloose. My family named me SiAm after both Siamese cats in the Lady and the Tramp movie because they think I have enough personality and energy for two cats! I have explored…

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Dear MEOW, Back in April of 2012, almost a year now, we adopted a little grey kitten named Sable. He was shy, but inquisitive, and my fiance knew as soon as he held him that this kitty was the one. He now goes by Parker (Parkour) because he’s so playful….

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Greyson and Hunter

Hello, I just wanted to give you a little update on the two kittens I adopted from Meow Rescue on August 24, 2012, 5 days shy of their 4 month birthday. Hunter and Greyson are doing great. Hunter decided he didn’t want to be an all black cat, so he…

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Hi, I adopted Tongo approximately two months ago.  I am overjoyed and pleased with my new roommate.  Just for laughs, I call him “Tongo Bongo.”  He has adapted to his new home very well and has already gained six ounces.  He is very expressive and loves to talk to me…

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Timmy, Tommy and Teddy

Hello.  In Fall of 2003, my husband and I adopted 3 kittens from your Mercer Island location. They were Timmy, Teddy, and Tommy – littermates. They were brought to MEOW by the people who found the pregnant mother cat in Tacoma.  They kept the mother and 2 of the 5 kittens,…

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Hello Meow Cat Rescue! I wanted to give you an update on the kitten my husband and I adopted a little over a month ago. I work for Trupanion, and we have an amazing company that lets us bring our pets to work.  After I had Archer (formally known as…

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Hello, My husband and I adopted our cat, Nimbus (formerly Cloudy), from MEOW in November 2010. Since we were able to play with with him and get to know his personality before the adoption, we knew he’d be a wonderful addition to our family! He joined a previously-adopted sister named…

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Dexter and Zabel

This email is long in coming, I guess I have just been having too much fun with the cats.  Dexter and Zabel came to live with me in late March, and they were quick to make this house theirs.  The are two of the most loving and playful cats I…

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I thought I’d let you know that the cat we adopted about a year ago, Batman, is a source of joy and laughter around our house!  Over the last year, he has settled right in.  One of his favorite tricks, that surprised me to no end the first time he…

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We adopted 13 year old Russell at the end of January, just shy of his 1 year anniversary living at MEOW. We wanted a friend for our 13 year old female calico, Buffy.  She’s shy, but demanding- a bit high maintenance.  His sweet nature and loving disposition were a big draw…

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I recently adopted “Gracie”…formerly called Amber.  She is an absolute bundle of loving joy!  She is adorable, smart, sweet and soft….and loves to fetch, just like a dog!  Only problem is she loves to snuggle up to my face and neck in the middle of the night, and insists on…

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I adopted Dudley March 24th from Meow and at first he had a little bit of a time adjusting to the new surroundings. Two months later, it is as if Dudley has been a part of the family forever. He and his ‘sister’ Missy get on well even though he…

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Dear MEOW, Back in 2000, my parents adopted a Brown Tabby Maine Coon named Harrison (and we kept the name!) from your rescue center as an early 10th birthday gift for me 🙂  They remember that he was having a hard time getting adopted because he was an older kitten,…

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Hello – I’ve been meaning to send a message about Boo, who I adopted at the end of January 2011.  She had been at Meow over a year, and had been returned twice.  I wasn’t allowed to adopt her outright – but was only able to “foster” her for two…

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Mila and Siva

We want to thank MEOW Cat Rescue and the foster parents for taking such good care of Siva and Mila (AKA Amber and Hazel) before we adopted them in December when they were four months old. Both are eager to be in on any action. Dusting, vacuuming, unloading groceries are…

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We adopted Maggie (formerly Midori) from MEOW about 3 weeks ago. She made herself at home really smoothly, investigating every nook, cranny and room pretty quickly. She loves to drop to the floor and roll so you can rub her tummy. My husband built her a tall cat perch with two levels…

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Hello!! I’m sending y’all an update on that lovely ‘plus-sized’ kitty I adopted from you a couple months ago. She is acclimating well to our home. Our other cat, Pookie, was a bit skeptical of her at first and now they don’t seem to mind each other too much. Rocky…

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Freddie Fender (the name affectionately given to him by his foster family, which I quite like and am keeping!!) is doing well in his new home. He sometimes has difficulty walking…no, not because of his fan-belt injuries…because he can only take a few steps before he flops over for a…

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Toby and Marley

It was just over a year ago that I adopted Toby and Marley (AKA Peanut and Chaps) from MEOW and I thought you’d like to know how they’re doing. They both have blossomed into sweet, playful, loving cats who provide an endless source of entertainment and joy. When I first…

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Luna and Ravi

We adopted “Mia” and “Ripple” two days after Christmas 2011 (and now it’s mid-February 2012). Their names are now Luna (Roman moon goddess) and Ravi (Hindu sun god) as from the beginning we saw that these critters had a strong presence in our household. Also, we soon realized why they…

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Dear MEOW,  In 1998, I came to your organization to adopt a cat. As I tried to choose from among the outgoing tabbies, one of your workers convinced me to take a second look at a young, timid black cat cowering in a dark corner. The moment I touched Abby…

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Jinx and Roo

Hi MEOW! We have had Jinx (formerly Hansel) and Roo for 4 years now and I cannot imagine a day without them! They are such characters. Roo loves the laser pointer and Jinx is a lap cat, always seeking our attention (whether or not it’s convenient for us…haha) ! We have moved a couple…

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Sadie and Chloe

Hello! My husband and I adopted two 4-month-old “foster sisters” last Saturday (1/28).  Originally named Marley and Dumpling, they are now Sadie and Chloe. They were raised together in a loving foster home and were only at MEOW two days before we adopted them. They are settling in to their…

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Grace Penn

Update! Hi – it is ME, Grace Penn – yet again……. I wanted to let you guys know that Mum moved me to Bellingham, and I have been here (and there) for one year now.  Actually I love it (PLEASE DO NOT TELL MUM).  The really interesting part is that…

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Her name is Mischa now and she’s a happy, beautiful little girl. She’s good friends with Elmo, formerly named Fluffy, who I adopted from Meow as a kitten two and a half years ago. And she gets lots of ear washings from George, who was named Dasher when I adopted…

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Hi there – I came into MEOW to talk about fostering and quickly fell in love with little Mo (3.5 months old).  In June 2011, I rescued a little male kitten from an abandoned apartment, Greyson now 9 months, and found that even though I spent a significant amount of…

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Hello to MEOW adoption center! My name is Jennifer and I was lucky (!) enough to adopt a cat from you a few years ago.   I have attached some photos  for you, and believe his name was Lightfoot when I first met him. My niece immediately renamed him Lucky, but…

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PussPuss and RootBeer

Just wanted to say thank you to all the great staff at MEOW. I adopted two sweet brothers one year ago and we are so happy together. Originally named Sean, RootBeer is the funniest cat. He loves to have belly rubs and cant get enough snuggle time. He comes when…

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Dear Meow Cat Rescue,Just a quick progress report on the cat formerly known as “Shadow” (now known as Oso!) who is very happy in his new highrise Belltown condo life!  He wasted no time winning the hearts of everybody around here and now even our dour resident cat is putty…

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Meow-ers, Sox is doing VERY well in his new home with his new sisters!  He’s eating fine, he’s exploring the house already and other than a few hisses, no bopping has occurred and there have been lots of sniffs.  He’s currently looking out the screen door into the backyard, where…

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Hello Friends -On this recent Father’s Day, Charlie and Beth presented me with the gift of a cat — to be chosen at a convenient time. That time was yesterday, and Charlie and I ventured to the Meow Cat Rescue in Kirkland to select the perfect match for me. By…

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Sadie is settling in so well! She is a super sweet girl who has made herself at home with me and I love her to pieces! She loves playing fetch in the yard, exploring the neighborhood and new dog parks and meeting new friends, both dog and people! And of…

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What can I say?  Merci is the sweetest, smartest, and funniest cat and has made herself completely at home.  We all do as she says. Her adjustment to the dogs is complete.  She goes up and gives them a kiss on the nose.  She still jumps to attention when Bud…

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Eowyn and Emily

Hello Meow, This is Eowyn. I wanted to let you know Emily and I are doing fine with our family. As you may or may-not remember, I came to you with an eye problem and a peculiar tooth problem and had to have all my teeth save my 4 canine…

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Jewel is doing really great and we couldn’t be happier with her!  She definitely has made our house her home.  Attached is a picture of one of her daily duties around our place. Dawn and Damon

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Tom and Geri

Hi Guys, Tom and his lovely sister Geri turned 17 last month. There was a party with copious amounts of catnip. Followed by the traditional tearing around the house chasing invisible creatures and each other until they had cleansed the house of all evil. As they fell into an exhausted…

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Chance and Hope

It is hard to believe that it has been nearly a year ago that two of our special kittens, Chance and Hope were adopted.  You may remember Chance and Hope.  They, along with their sister Destiny, were born with a congenital deformity called eyelid agenesis (the incomplete formation of the…

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Hello.  I wanted to write and tell you how much we love having Katie in our home.  We adopted Katie about thirteen years ago from your shelter!  Her name at that time was Carmella, she was about a year or a year and a half old (I can’t remember) and…

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Lady Bug

Dear MEOW, One year ago, I adopted “Cougar”, the cat pictured in the top left corner of your banner on your website. I wanted to send you an update on her life with her new family! She has been through a lot since being adopted. The first of which is…

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