We have so many great stories to share about cats and dogs. If you’ve adopted a dog or cat from MEOW and would like to share your happy ending, e-mail your story and picture to meowhappyendings@gmail.com.
A full list of cats adopted from MEOW can be found on Petfinder:
These are just some of the happy stories that remind us of just how important our work is.
Hello! It has been a little over a month since Teddy (formerly Garris) came into out life from MEOW. He is one of the friendliest cats we have ever met and he takes the word companion to a new level, always assisting us around the apartment and generally being close…
Muu & Zora
Hello MEOW Folks! Here’s an update on the two cats we adopted from you this past January. We adopted Muu and Sora (now we call her Zora), a bonded pair, back on Jan 16th. They’ve been wonderful cats, and we think they’ve been very happy with us. Your personality assessments were…
Chloe & Sadie
Hello! We adopted Chloe and Sadie in January of 2012 when they were 4 months old – they will be four years old in September. They were “foster sisters” and had been fostered by Marilyn before being brought to MEOW. They have been such a joy! This is one of…
Lulu I adopted “Chelsea” in January after losing my cat of 20 years. I was sitting on the floor at MEOW in a room with her, and she climbed right onto my chest and just laid there…..I knew at that moment she was going home with me! I renamed her…
Mr. Bumbles & Briar Rose
Hi there, Just wanted to drop you a line to say how wonderful it was to find these two in one of your foster homes. Their foster mom clearly knows her stuff; these are two very well socialized and well behaved kittens. They get into mischief, as they should, but…
Chloe & Cal
Chloe and Cal (formerly Starlight & Starbright) Hello, Just wanted to let you guys know, we LOVE our kittens, SO MUCH! We let the kids name them, and they’re now Chloe and Cal. They stayed in my daughter’s room for a full week, with their litter and food and water,…
Fiona Hello! In 2010, I adopted Mimi, now Fiona, a small female Siamese mix. She is the best little sidekick!- just like her personality test said she was. I’ve moved with her to Minneapolis, and she seems to have come into her own here. Thanks for all you do!! -Jennifer
DJ Baby Einstein
DJ Baby Einstein (formerly known asTrixie) Hi Friends of MEOW Cat Rescue,When we noticed that our only cat was lonely, we went to adopt her a new friend (Dec. 2011). Our cat loved to play and we wanted to find her a playmate. A 6-month-old cat named Trixie captured our…
Abby & Dylan
Hello, I just wanted to let you know that I couldn’t be happier with my two new additions, Abby & Dylan (formerly Irene & Sprite). In early September I adopted both kitties. Each one was from a different litter and there was a slight age difference. They became friends immediately…
Hi! Just wanted to let you know Calli (now Steve – yes we know she’s a girl) is doing great at her new home. She loves naps in the sun and watching videos of birds on TV.Thank you for helping us find our new best friend 🙂 Sophie and Riley
Dear MEOW! Hi, you rescued me many years ago. In January 2005, I found my forever home. I have a very interesting life in that I now live in two places – Bellingham and Kirkland. I also have my own car and driver to transport me between my two homes. …
Hello MEOW! Kevin is king of the castle in his new home and he’s already adjusted. He’s super affectionate, purrs all the time and is already sleeping right next to us and enjoying being a part of our family. My wife and I couldn’t be happier. Kevin is a perfect…
Hi, I thought I’d check in to let you know how Tink is doing. She has brought so much fun and love to our household. The first day she did really well in a spare room we set up for her. By day 2 she was comfortable and ready to go beyond…
First of all, thank you for allowing such a sweet kitty into our lives! After just having lost our 18 year old tuxedo kitty, it’s like this was meant to be. The first couple days, Hattie didn’t eat much, and was very skittish, which isn’t surprising with being in a…
Cookie Hi there! We wanted to update you on our adoptee from last summer. Cookie had survived some traumatic experiences before coming to live with us, including having kittens with severe hemmorhage and being dumped by her previous owner. When we took her home from MEOW last August, she had just…
Hi, My husband and I adopted a 1 year old male cat named Axel on April 5th, and I wanted to let you know how he is doing. After a couple of days of being extremely shy, he has now come out of his shell, and oh boy, is he…
Hello MEOW, I can’t believe it has been another year already! I have been in my forever home for two years and I wanted to let you know how I am doing. I was not sure what pictures of me to send since I am so adorable, so I sent…
Simon Simon weighs ten pounds now. This ten pound bundle of joy is doing great and loves humans. He gets up with me every morning and when I get out of bed, he stands up on his hind legs and kisses my face. He acts like I’m the most wonderful…
Lil Bit and Lil Romeo
Hi, I adopted my two beautiful babies (Lil’ Bit & Bam Bam) just a few days before Christmas and it took them till the weekend after to stop hiding under the bed while I was at work. I loved that when I got home, I could go straight to my…
Hi MEOW, My mom and I adopted my kitty, Athena, from you around ten years ago, as my Christmas present. I think she was called Adriana when you had her. She was seven months old, skinny and adorable. Now she’s nearly ten years old, chubby, and still adorable. Even though…
Benji and Lindsey
We adopted siblings Benji & Lindsey just after Christmas in 2012. They’re doing great! Super affectionate with the family and very happy to have found a home together! Benji sleeps beside our 3 year old son while Lindsey has adopted his 6 year old brother. We’re lucky to have found…
Stevie & Lotus
Hi MEOW Team, I wanted to send you an email and say THANK YOU so much for helping my husband and I meet our “fur children” Lotus Pot Pie and Stevie. We adopted the girls in mid June 2012 and they have been just an absolute joy to have in…
Hi, Just wanted to let you know that Wendell is amazing & fitting in so well. He’s up to 5 1/2 pounds now & getting bigger every day! Here’s a picture of him with his big brother Oliver!Take care!!Jen
Clancy, Harley and Jack
My MEOW boys, Clancy, Harley and Jack, are all thriving. Clancy is well into middle age and is now a confirmed lap cat. He had all of his teeth removed this past year, and as a result of no longer having a painful mouth, has gained at least two pounds. It…
Hi from Luna, (formerly Cashmere), I thought I let you know how happy Luna is in her new forever home. I adopted Luna about 6 weeks ago. Luna found a nice place to hide for about a 3 and half days before she started to explore the Condo. Luna has…
Tully–One Year Later
Hello MEOW! Jessica & Tully here. Just wanting to let you know that Tully (formerly Duchess) is doing wonderful here in her forever home. She likes to sit by the window and meow at the birds and the chicken that meanders through the yard. She tells me about her day…
Zita Zita (aka Pepper @ MEOW) became a member of my household in January 2002. She was a shy, quiet little kitty (born 7/1/2001) when I first brought her home. I had adopted her to be a playmate to a little kitten I had adopted from a friend. After a…
Olive and Indigo
Olive and Indigo We adopted Indigo and Olive from MEOW during spring of 2012 after the loss of our longtime cat companion, KC. We did not pick out either of our girls really. Indigo was our first MEOW adoption and she was the cat that the helpers recommended for us….
This is Valentine! He came to me as Casey at the age of 4 years old. When first adopted, he spent about 8 weeks in a bathroom closet shelf. He proceed to graduate himself over time to a walk- in closet where he spent the next 4-6 weeks. When he finally…
Hello MEOW! I adopted Kibo at the end of December. (She was Laurel when she was with you.) She has adjusted so well and pretty much owns the place now! She is still a little skittish when others come here but she warms up to them pretty quickly. My friends…
Hello MEOW, It has been a little over a year since I was adopted and as you can see I have settled in nicely. I am a very loved member of the family. I love to play with all the neat toys, bug my sister Missy, and spend quiet lap…
Fox & Fawn
Hi, I just wanted to send an update on my lovely cats Fox and Fawn (rescue names of Taz and Mushu). They are doing great at our house here in Capitol Hill.
Dear MEOW Cat Rescue, It has been over 4 months since Zizi came home with me and she is doing very well. At first I had some concerns with her behavior as she would frequently move into a defensive posture when approached and would sometimes try to bite me when…
Blue Bell and Clover
We adopted Blue Bell (1-1/2 year old) on February 10 and Clover (3-1/2 months) on the 22nd. It didn’t take long for them to become quite attached. So much so, they sleep with each other and not with us! That’s OK. They’re so fun to have around.
We got Kudos in 2010. He was brand new to MEOW when we came in – he had been found in an industrial park in Kirkland and was pretty scrawny and had a sneezy, runny nose cold. We met with him in a visiting room and he stole our hearts…
I wanted to give you an update on Cupcake (now Lunchbox). I remember you said she was 24 or 25 pounds when she came to the shelter. Lunchy’s now at a sleek healthy weight. She’s on a home-made grain-free diet, which along with slimming her down, has eliminated some other health…
Hello Meow, I’ve been meaning to send you an update on Punkin, now Ebony (Ebby), who came home with me back in August. She has settled in quite nicely and become very good friends with Ink, her new big brother. In true little sister fashion, she wants to be wherever…
Benjamin Black
When we were looking for a new cat companion in Seattle I went through over 400 online pet descriptions before we made our choice. We went to the shelter and found out that the cat we wanted (after sitting in the shelter for 6 months) was adopted 15 minutes before we…
Hello,I adopted RayJay back in July, he now goes by his new name Spencer T. Schwartzenegger. He’s a rock! Spence is a great guy, very lovable and playful. He’s got a huge selection of toys scattered around the house. He’s an indoor cat now. I think he spent the first…
Greetings MEOW — I met Latte on my first volunteer shift at the shelter: she was in a cubby in the front free-roaming room and had just woken up but couldn’t open one eye, so I had this shy coffee-coloured cat winking a blue-grey eye at me all morning! It…