MEOW Team,

I wanted to share that my wonderful talky cuddly loving quarantine housemate is the best cat ever. He came to me from you as “Kink” but I christened him Nigel. He has a loyal Facebook fan club. Because he’s FIV positive, some kind soul had paid his adoption fee forward, so I did the same.
I’ve owned plenty of kitties in my 64 years, but he is by far the most amazing one. I cannot imagine my life (especially in quarantine) without his constant loving presence. Back when friends were allowed to visit and even (gasp) collect for dinners and book club meetings, he was overjoyed to meet everyone and hung around to listen/participate. When it’s just me, he follows me around like a dog. His favorite times (well, beside mealtime) are when we watch Netflix and he gets plenty of petting and lap time, followed closely by dish washing time, when he plonks himself down on the kitchen rug *immediately* behind where I have to stand, to supervise. I have to be careful not to step on his kinky tail.
When not following me, his favorite things are to watch “bird TV” out the kitchen window, or to chew on some grass when we’re out in the backyard, he on his red leash.
I am eternally grateful for him…and you!