
When I first met Meu on October 4th, 2015, she was a frightened kitten hiding in a corner of the meeting room with her sister. I could see that she didn’t want to be afraid, and that she was interested in the toys we were playing with, and eventually she came out of her shell a bit. We were told that she was found under a porch with her sister, bedraggled and afraid. We decided to adopt her because we believed that we could help her out of her shell.
On our drive home she was absolutely terrified. When we got home she instantly hid behind the toilet. We plugged in a pheromone to help calm her down, and eventually she did and began to open up. We quickly found out that she is a very playful and loving little thing. She will grab your hand and lick it until she has decided that she is done, and you will not take your hand away from her until then for fear of displeasing her. She is also very talkative, and will have conversations with you. Which is how she came by her name. We were having trouble figuring out a name for her, so I turned to her and asked her what her name was, to which she chirped out a response, and my husband and I looked at each other thoughtfully.
We have had her for nearly a month now, and already she is friends with our dog, and our other two cats. She still has a bit of opening up to do with strangers, but we believe that she will be able to make good progress at that too.