
I thought I’d check in to let you know how Tink is doing. She has brought so much fun and love to our household. The first day she did really well in a spare room we set up for her. By day 2 she was comfortable and ready to go beyond the room and explore. It took her a few days to get used to my husband. He was a bit too tall for her at first. She liked him sitting down, but when he stood up she’d run away. She’s gotten used to his height and they are buddies now. Tink is my little sidekick. She’s with me most of the time and she cuddles and talks to me often. She runs to me when I come home and definitely lets me know when she’s ready to eat, lol. She loves all her new toys and cat posts. She purrs constantly and rolls on her back to get her belly rubbed. She lies on my legs to watch TV and for part of the night she lies right on top of one of us. I can’t believe it took her so long to get adopted, but I’m just thankful that she’s a part of our family. She’s the perfect fit!
Thank you and thanks to all the wonderful people at Meow. I’m so very thankful for you….and so is Tink!
Lots of love,
Brandi and Tink