I adopted my two beautiful babies (Lil’ Bit & Bam Bam) just a few days before Christmas and it took them till the weekend after to stop hiding under the bed while I was at work. I loved that when I got home, I could go straight to my room and look under the end of bed and find the two of them there. Once I took them out, one by one and cuddled them, they would spend the rest of the day playing all over the apartment! They were NOT fond of New Years Eve though! I was out of the apartment when the fireworks went off and when I came home (even though the noise had stopped) it took me about 2 hours to get them out from under the bed! Both of them are HUGE cuddler’s and compete for my whole lap! Whoever doesn’t sit on my lap will climb up and sit on my shoulder until the other knocks them off. I did change Bam Bam’s name to Lil Romeo (Bam Bam just didn’t suit him). Lil Bit recently discovered that she does NOT like bath tubs full of water, when she decided to walk the edge of a full bath that was draining! She fell in and was out before Lil Romeo knew what happened! About 5 minutes after that, Romeo found that he loves to play with spiders, but is not happy when they don’t run or when I take them away! They sleep in my bed every night, usually starting out at my feet and ending up on my chest. These two are doing very well and are the PERFECT addition to my home!!