My MEOW boys, Clancy, Harley and Jack, are all thriving. Clancy is well into middle age and is now a confirmed lap cat. He had all of his teeth removed this past year, and as a result of no longer having a painful mouth, has gained at least two pounds. It was the best thing I could have done for him – he’s clearly a much happier cat now that he’s a toothless wonder.
Jack and Harley (aka Bluto and D-Day, aka The Fratboys) continue to keep me on my toes. They are endlessly creative in the ways they find to keep themselves amused. Their latest stunt, a couple of nights ago, was to tear open a bag of fingerling potatoes I’d brought home from the store and proceed to distribute potatoes all over the house. I found potatoes in my bathtub, on top of my washing machine, under the sofa… I’m still not sure I’ve located all of them. Lucky for the boys, they are absolutely adorable and therefore incapable of making me angry. Jack in particular is Mister Personality, and he makes me laugh every single day with his shenanigans. In all my years as a cat person I’ve never met a cat so thoroughly interested and involved in everything I do. Jack is an Engaged Cat; he’s a Participating Cat; and he’s a Supervising Cat. From morning (when he actively oversees my shower and helps me brush my teeth) to night (when he helps me open cans of cat food, helps me scoop the litterboxes, and helps me fix – and eat – my own dinner), Jack is right there every minute making sure all of my domestic activities run as smoothly as possible. I have no idea how I ever managed without him, and neither, I’m sure, does he. 🙂
Here’s a picture of Harley and Jack taken during a rare moment of quiet in between all of the wrasslin’ and ankle-bitin’.
Best wishes to everyone at MEOW from all of us.