Hello MEOW!

I adopted Kibo at the end of December. (She was Laurel when she was with you.) She has adjusted so well and pretty much owns the place now! She is still a little skittish when others come here but she warms up to them pretty quickly. My friends laugh because she follows me wherever I go in the apartment! She has gained some weight and is enjoying her new forever home with me. She sleeps with me, sometimes under the covers! She loves to head-butt me, especially in the mornings to wake me up and she’s definitely VERY talkative!
She’s very affectionate and is definitely the “Personal assistant” you had described her as. She helps me with my math homework or anything that may be interfering with her lap time with me. The biggest surprise with her is how she plays. When I swing around the bird feathers, she jumps so high and does back flips to try to catch it! It’s so amazing and funny! …. and I found out that at least this cat doesn’t always land on her feet! I am so thankful to have her and am doing everything to spoil her rotten! She goes into her “toy” box and always makes a big mess….I haven’t figured out how to have her put her toys away though when she’s done! Oh, and by the way, Kibo means HOPE in Japanese.
Blessings, Chris and Kibo