Dear MEOW Cat Rescue,

It has been over 4 months since Zizi came home with me and she is doing very well. At first I had some concerns with her behavior as she would frequently move into a defensive posture when approached and would sometimes try to bite me when I attempted to pet her. But over the months Zizi has become a lot more trusting. She is still quite high-strung and still likes to hide under the bed a lot, but I’ve decided that if that’s what she wants to do and it makes her happy it’s just fine. She is expanding her comfort zone too though, and spends more and more time in other parts of the house. For example it took many weeks before she started to tentatively explore the first floor of the house and now she comes downstairs often and likes to look out the windows to the back garden. She loves to be petted and most nights she sleeps peacefully by my side; she likes to snuggle up close.

Here is a note from Zizi herself:
I love it here! There are lots of places to explore and places to hide. Here I am in one of the cat trees – I like to lay in the half tube. Every evening we have Zizi’s Special Playtime! Mom calls me and I come running into my room where first I get brushed which I love (I have not had a hairball since I started getting brushed every day!) and then sometimes we warm up with Grab-The-Sock but usually I just want to play my most favorite game Mouse-Tail. Here is a picture of me with my most favorite camo mouse. Sometimes the other cats want to play too but mom makes them leave the room and shuts the door; she knows I get nervous and can’t play with the others watching. She says it’s my special time because I’m special and I like that.

I have an admirer! The tomcat who lives here brings me mice. But I play hard to get. In this photo he just brought me two mice!
Thanks for taking care of me for so long! I know you took good care of me for a long time before I found my forever home.
Love Zizi