I wanted to give you an update on Cupcake (now Lunchbox). I remember you said she was 24 or 25 pounds when she came to the shelter. Lunchy’s now at a sleek healthy weight. She’s on a home-made grain-free diet, which along with slimming her down, has eliminated some other health issues. We’re still mourning the recent loss of her older “sister”, but otherwise she’s a happy healthy girl.She’s the ultimate lap cat. She snuggles and chats. She growls at her stuffed rats when she plays with them, which is hysterical. First time she did it, I thought it was the neighbor’s dog. I had no idea cats could growl, lol. And she throws them….WAY up the air. So I find stuffed rats in the weirdest places. She’s a wonderful cat. Thanks so much for keeping my Lunchy safe until she made her way here. –Coleen