I adopted RayJay back in July, he now goes by his new name Spencer T. Schwartzenegger. He’s a rock! Spence is a great guy, very lovable and playful. He’s got a huge selection of toys scattered around the house. He’s an indoor cat now. I think he spent the first part of his life living outside, he seems to be adapting to it fine.
When I lay on the couch, he likes to lay right on my legs, and look at me. His favorite spots in the house are near the gas stove, and looking out the kitchen window at birds. He has a nice outdoor enclosure, which he DID NOT like being in..so we put that away for the winter. We’ve started practicing walking on a leash, in a harness, so he can go out on the patio with me. It’s still a work in process..but he’s doing well! It has been quite an adjustment going from a 22 year old best friend to a 2 year old youngster, but I don’t regret bringing him home. He does his best to win my heart, and has succeeded! It’s a definite de-stresser after work to spend time playing with him..he hilarious!
Thanks again everyone at Meow for rescuing Spence, and for helping me to find him. Keep up the fantastic work you do! -Patty