Hi to everyone and every feline at MEOW Cat Rescue!
SiAm is my name now, but you may remember me as Footloose. My family named me SiAm after both Siamese cats in the Lady and the Tramp movie because they think I have enough personality and energy for two cats! I have explored every nook and cranny in my new home – even found a couple of hiding places my family didn’t know existed. My new feline housemate is Myki – he’s 5 and, though were slowly introduced over several weeks, when we finally got together, he still screamed and snarled and wanted to fight. Such a fuss – even the neighbors could hear him! But my family stayed calm and gave us both a lot of attention. Now, five weeks later, we get along much better and even sleep close together sometimes. I think I am helping him lose some weight by chasing him around. I love eating and playing almost as much as I love getting attention and being petted. I like to talk A LOT and follow my family around all the time – just in case they need my help. Well, I think they ALWAYS need my help, though sometimes they don’t seem to realize it. I also like to look down on what is happening, so I climb to the top of EVERYTHING. Sometimes pictures or plants get in my way, and then my family gets exercise by cleaning up after me. But, they learn and move things so I won’t knock them down again. I am very good at understanding and minding my family when they say “no”. But my rule – and Myki’s — is that “no” only applies when someone is looking. I think all cats use that rule, don’t you? My favorite bed is on top of the tallest bookcase, so my family put a soft bed up there for me. My family makes quite a fuss over me! They take pictures, tell me how cute I am (I agree with that!). They tell me they want me to stay here forever – so I’m sending you these pictures so you can see how big I’m growing. My family and I THANK YOU SO MUCH for all you did for me!
Love and meows,