I adopted Tongo approximately two months ago. I am overjoyed and pleased with my new roommate. Just for laughs, I call him “Tongo Bongo.” He has adapted to his new home very well and has already gained six ounces. He is very expressive and loves to talk to me constantly. He loves to be groomed. He is extremely social and is not bashful at all when I have company. Tongo has just recently decided to sit on my lap, which makes me very happy. Since I am retired, I am able to spend a lot of time with him. He is a wonderful companion and he loves to sit at my patio window and be entertained by the daily visits of the neighborhood squirrel and stellar jays who come to eat the peanuts we have left out, not to mention the humming birds and finches and chickadees who also come to visit. He enjoys playing with his toy mice and, occasionally, I smother a ball made of yarn with catnip. Tongo first licks all of the goodies off the ball and then playfully bats the ball throughout the house. There is never a dull moment with Tongo. He is a joy and I am so happy that I stopped by Meow Rescue that day and discovered him. Thank you, Meow Rescue, for the wonderful work that you do. I have recommended your shelter to all of my friends.