Hello Meow Cat Rescue!
I wanted to give you an update on the kitten my husband and I adopted a little over a month ago.
I work for Trupanion, and we have an amazing company that lets us bring our pets to work. After I had Archer (formally known as Thomas) for a month, got him his last booster vaccines, etc. I was able to start bringing him to work with me. When I first got him, I knew I wanted to be able to bring him into work with me, so we got him started on a harness as soon as possible. After the first hour, he didn’t even care that he was wearing it. We did our work introduction with coworkers and the dogs that are in the cubicles near by. The first day he made himself right at home with me at work and in the office. Attached is a copy of him taking a cat nap after a very full morning of introductions on the first day at work with me. As you can tell, he feels right at home coming into work with me.
When he gets home we play, and he he wrestles with our other cat Chew Toy. Sometimes he feels fearless and he’ll jump on a high spot to bonsai jump on the dogs to get them excited and want to play. We’ve very happy to have him as our newest addition to our furry children and part of our family. Thank you Meow!
~ Melissa