I adopted Dudley March 24th from Meow and at first he had a little bit of a time adjusting to the new surroundings. Two months later, it is as if Dudley has been a part of the family forever. He and his ‘sister’ Missy get on well even though he does like to torment her a bit. Dudley is very active and vocal (which I am getting used to) and loves his toys, cardboard scratcher, treats etc. He had one ‘accident’ but since then uses the litterbox without fail. Dudley is very sweet and friendly and LOVES to get pet. He does not like to be picked up or hugged, but over the past few weeks will at times crawl into my lap for a nice nap and petting. I am getting used to the 5am wakeup calls of kisses and head rubbing.. he is very loving and a doll.
I appreciate the call from Meow to help Dudley settle into his new home and he is a treasured part of the family!!