Dear MEOW,

Back in 2000, my parents adopted a Brown Tabby Maine Coon named Harrison (and we kept the name!) from your rescue center as an early 10th birthday gift for me 🙂 They remember that he was having a hard time getting adopted because he was an older kitten, rather large for his age, and kind of awkward and shy. When they came to pick him up, he was hiding away at the very top of one of the cat toys.
Ever since they brought him home, he has been a very loving addition to our family. He has become more confident, sassy, intelligent, and loving as the years have gone by. Everyone always says what a nice, big, lovable cat Harrison is… and, quite frankly, he still remains one of my best friends 🙂 He is critical enough to tell me when I’m doing something wrong, and forgiving and loving enough to always be there during my roughest times. It’s like he’s always known how I’m feeling and just what to do to comfort me. Whenever I visit home from college, he is always there waiting for me, sleeping with me in my bed, and laying by my laptop to watch what I’m up to.
On his 12th year of life, he’s getting a bit crankier and a little bit hard of hearing, but overall, his health is great, and he’s still as active as he has ever been.. and very happy and spoiled, too!
Thank you for all the great work your rescue center has done and for bringing Harrison into my life!