Dear Meow Cat Rescue,
Just a quick progress report on the cat formerly known as “Shadow” (now known as Oso!) who is very happy in his new highrise Belltown condo life! He wasted no time winning the hearts of everybody around here and now even our dour resident cat is putty in his little paws, as you can see. They are good friends but the older cat definitely shows him the ropes of cathood and keeps Oso in line when needed!
Thank you (and the foster home) for rescuing this amazing being and helping make him part of our lives.
Special thanks to Evelyn for her help and sage advice. We will always be grateful to you all for this gift! No cat can ever replace Frazier who we lost a couple of months back, but this is a new chapter. A couple of photos are attached.
Best wishes always,
Jake & Kenn