What can I say? Merci is the sweetest, smartest, and funniest cat and has made herself completely at home. We all do as she says.
Her adjustment to the dogs is complete. She goes up and gives them a kiss on the nose. She still jumps to attention when Bud our Golden runs through the house but usually sits and bats at him as he runs by.
She has taught me how to play soccer (when I am in the bathroom) and tells me when it is my turn to chase the small crinkle paper mouse. I hope she never catches a real mouse because I am sure she would bring it to me to share playtime. (I would not like that at all.)
Whenever I lay down, she is right beside me touching or laying on my arm. She doesn’t always stay too long but comes back.
When I am on the computer, she either lays on my hand and the mouse or in a little box that I keep papers in or on the window sill chattering at the birds. She isn’t happy with me that I won’t let her outside but I told her I intend to keep my promise about that.
She talks all the time. What a chatterbox! She understands when I say “no” and stops and usually walks away. She kisses me fairly often and has on occasion, nipped at me and got a rather stern NO.
I call her Merci and Sweet Pea. My husband calls her PeeWee. They ll sound similar so she responds if she feels like it. She is a cat ater all and we are grateful that she allows us to live here.
I thank God for bringing this precious little gift to me. She is such ood company and brings us so much joy. Thank you for your effort in iving her the chance to live and for your decision to let us provide er a loving home.
Judy, Roy and Merci
Toby and Bud