Hello Meow,
This is Eowyn. I wanted to let you know Emily and I are doing fine with our family. As you may or may-not remember, I came to you with an eye problem and a peculiar tooth problem and had to have all my teeth save my 4 canine teeth pulled. I’m doing very well now! No eye problems and having no issues with my other teeth. Emily was but just a kitten barely able to be adopted because of her age and was saved from a hoarder along with a few of her brothers and sisters.

Emily has grown up so much as the pictures my human took shows. She likes to sleep on Mom to let her know that she is there. Me? I love to sleep at Dad’s head so he hears me purrrrrr. Just my way to say that I love him. Emily has tried to spend more time with Dad lately by trying to sneak into his school bag.
For a human, he’s kinda smart, and has found her each time she has tried to hide with the bag.
Me being the Royalty of the house, I have my throne that oversees the entire home. I love my perch! It has a little house underneath that I allow Emily to sleep in too. We have so many toys to play with and love getting brushed. Well, looks like Emily is trying to get comfortable on my Throne so I will have to cut this short.
Take Care,
Eowyn & Emily